hello folder contain small examples

plugin inkscape for costycnc https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RhYQDsAShQVpIKa1iB_uJLyNemN5EMN0?usp=sharing

costycnc-inkscape first commit is inspired by https://github.com/jwcliff/Inkscape_Exportxy

my cnc www.costycnc.it

facebook , google , ecc ... search "costycnc" for all my projects

Download all files and folders ... and put folder extensions in Inkscape

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put file inx and py in inkscape\data\settings\extensions ... create folder extensions if not exist

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ATTENTION! Working only with Inkscape portable ! Open inkscape ... extensions... costycnc

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if you want make test with inkscape plugin ... keep in mind to transform space to tab first to save

i use notepad++

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Because plugin accept only tab ascii (tab=value 09) ... but notepad++ put 4 spaces (space =value 20)... and not compile... give a error!