


I have arduino ide 2.0.2 and additional board manager http://arduino.winnermicro.com/arduino/package_wmcom_index.json

Board manager alternative on my site www.costycnc.it below (because i see that some times the original link not working)


Same board but at another address:

today 04.03.2023 i insert link bellow and seem that working:--(if not working see readme of package folder)--


Another board for w600


Also i save https://www.costycnc.it/arduino/w600-arduino-0.2.6.zip and https://www.costycnc.it/arduino/wmtools-0.3.2.zip and insert in C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages but idont know how make working this

also i see that if I succeed to install package ... give me a little error ... but after install

the https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu/12.2.rel1/binrel/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi.exe

          when install check set environment variables 

... the error when compiled dissapear but give error when need to upload code to w600

So ... for now i use tool.exe from https://github.com/vshymanskyy/w600tool/releases/tag/0.1 to upload code to w600

     Check in arduino "Show verbose output during x compile and will see the location of img file 

In folder upload from above i create a batch file for windows as example

Here WM_W60X_Firmware Generation Guide V1.2 https://www.winnermicro.com/en/upload/1/editor/1559640549130.pdf

The w600-pico module (see the prie) https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000314757449.html have preinstalled micropython http://www.winnermicro.com/upload/1/editor/1568709203932.zip

       you can reinstalled firmware micropython with batch from above change file name

official details here https://www.wemos.cc/en/latest/tutorials/w600/get_started_with_micropython_w600.html

and here https://bipes.net.br/aroca/web-serial-terminal/ if want to read from serial port (what send to serial the w600module)

The default bauds serial of w600 (if is not declared) is 115200