This repository contains the official Product Advertising API 5.0 NodeJS SDK called paapi5-nodejs-sdk that allows you to access the Product Advertising API from your NodeJS app.
For Node.js
The Product Advertising API NodeJS SDK can be installed via npm:
npm install paapi5-nodejs-sdk --save
You should now be able to require('paapi5-nodejs-sdk')
in javascript files.
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
Simple example for SearchItems to discover Amazon products with the keyword 'Harry Potter' in All categories:
var ProductAdvertisingAPIv1 = require('paapi5-nodejs-sdk');
var defaultClient = ProductAdvertisingAPIv1.ApiClient.instance;
// Specify your credentials here. These are used to create and sign the request.
defaultClient.accessKey = '<YOUR ACCESS KEY>';
defaultClient.secretKey = '<YOUR SECRET KEY>';
* Specify Host and Region to which you want to send the request to.
* For more details refer:
*/ = '';
defaultClient.region = 'us-east-1';
var api = new ProductAdvertisingAPIv1.DefaultApi();
* The following is a sample request for SearchItems operation.
* For more information on Product Advertising API 5.0 Operations,
* refer:
var searchItemsRequest = new ProductAdvertisingAPIv1.SearchItemsRequest();
/** Enter your partner tag (store/tracking id) and partner type */
searchItemsRequest['PartnerTag'] = '<YOUR PARTNER TAG>';
searchItemsRequest['PartnerType'] = 'Associates';
// Specify search keywords
searchItemsRequest['Keywords'] = 'Harry Potter';
* Specify the category in which search request is to be made.
* For more details, refer:
searchItemsRequest['SearchIndex'] = 'All';
// Specify the number of items to be returned in search result
searchItemsRequest['ItemCount'] = 1;
* Choose resources you want from SearchItemsResource enum
* For more details, refer:
searchItemsRequest['Resources'] = ['Images.Primary.Medium', 'ItemInfo.Title', 'Offers.Listings.Price'];
var callback = function (error, data, response) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error calling PA-API 5.0!');
console.log('Printing Full Error Object:\n' + JSON.stringify(error, null, 1));
console.log('Status Code: ' + error['status']);
if (error['response'] !== undefined && error['response']['text'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Error Object: ' + JSON.stringify(error['response']['text'], null, 1));
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
var searchItemsResponse = ProductAdvertisingAPIv1.SearchItemsResponse.constructFromObject(data);
console.log('Complete Response: \n' + JSON.stringify(searchItemsResponse, null, 1));
if (searchItemsResponse['SearchResult'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Printing First Item Information in SearchResult:');
var item_0 = searchItemsResponse['SearchResult']['Items'][0];
if (item_0 !== undefined) {
if (item_0['ASIN'] !== undefined) {
console.log('ASIN: ' + item_0['ASIN']);
if (item_0['DetailPageURL'] !== undefined) {
console.log('DetailPageURL: ' + item_0['DetailPageURL']);
if (item_0['ItemInfo'] !== undefined && item_0['ItemInfo']['Title'] !== undefined && item_0['ItemInfo']['Title']['DisplayValue'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Title: ' + item_0['ItemInfo']['Title']['DisplayValue']);
if (item_0['Offers'] !== undefined && item_0['Offers']['Listings'] !== undefined && item_0['Offers']['Listings'][0]['Price'] !== undefined && item_0['Offers']['Listings'][0]['Price']['DisplayAmount'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Buying Price: ' + item_0['Offers']['Listings'][0]['Price']['DisplayAmount']);
if (searchItemsResponse['Errors'] !== undefined) {
console.log('Complete Error Response: ' + JSON.stringify(searchItemsResponse['Errors'], null, 1));
console.log('Printing 1st Error:');
var error_0 = searchItemsResponse['Errors'][0];
console.log('Error Code: ' + error_0['Code']);
console.log('Error Message: ' + error_0['Message']);
try {
api.searchItems(searchItemsRequest, callback);
} catch (ex) {
console.log('Exception: ' + ex);
Complete documentation, installation instructions, and examples are available here.
This SDK is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt for more information.