
A Nix post-build-hook queue to sign and upload store paths.

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Nix post-build-hook queue


From Using the post-build-hook in the nix manual:

The post build hook program runs after each executed build, and blocks the build loop. The build loop exits if the hook program fails.

Concretely, this implementation will make Nix slow or unusable when the internet is slow or unreliable.

A more advanced implementation might pass the store paths to a user-supplied daemon or queue for processing the store paths outside of the build loop.

This is my implementation of a user-supplied daemon to process the store paths outside of the build loop.

There are two binaries, a server and a client, both running on the same system.

The client binary is called by post-build-hook in nix.conf, the server binary runs as a daemon.

The client sends store paths to the server via unix domain socket.

The server daemon will:

  1. Sign paths, if signingPrivateKeyPath is set
  2. Upload paths, if uploadTo is set


  • Add this repository to your flake inputs:
  inputs = {
    unstable.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

    nix-post-build-hook-queue = {
      url = "github:newam/nix-post-build-hook-queue";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "unstable";
  • Add nix-post-build-hook-queue.overlays.default to nixpkgs.overlays.
  • Import the nix-post-build-hook-queue.nixosModules.default module.
  • Configure:
{ config, ... }:

  # Use sops-nix to store keys: https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix
  # Alternatives: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Comparison_of_secret_managing_schemes
  sops.secrets =
      sopsAttrs = {
        mode = "0400";
        owner = config.services.nix-post-build-hook-queue.user;
        restartUnits = [ "nix-post-build-hook-queue.service" ];
      cache-signing-priv-key = sopsAttrs;
      cache-ssh-priv-key = sopsAttrs;

  services.nix-post-build-hook-queue = {
    enable = true;
    # optional setting to sign paths before uploading
    signingPrivateKeyPath = config.sops.secrets.cache-signing-priv-key.path;
    # optional settings to upload store paths after signing
    sshPrivateKeyPath = config.sops.secrets.cache-ssh-priv-key.path;
    uploadTo = "ssh://nix-ssh@nix-cache.example.com";