
System to integrate small app in the a LoRa-based Meshtastic radio mesh. This is not an official product of Meshtastic.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meshtastic App Center


  • Bidirectional message relay between Meshtastic devices apps.
  • Supports both serial and network connections for Meshtastic devices
  • Truncates long messages to fit within Meshtastic's payload size
  • SQLite database to store node information for improved functionality
  • Customizable logging level for easy debugging
  • Configurable through a simple YAML file


Talk to you node directly with command like !help, !health,!ping , !weather

More apps and template coming soon. Supported Platforms

The relay is compatible with the following operating systems:


Refer to the development instructions for details about running the relay on MacOS and Linux.