A decidedly over-engineered bot that creates toys that might or might not have been part of our childhood.
Gugutoyer.Bot is the entrypoint project.
I mean, first of all you need a database, unless you're only releasing Special Editions. In that case, you can remove the whole repository portion...
There are somewhat flaky scripts to create the tables and the user in a MySQL/MariaDB schema available, as well as a fairly flaky CSV containing all words needed.
Now, for actually running... It should be something like
dotnet run src/Gugutoyer.Bot/Gugutoyer.Bot.csproj
Well, why not? do something like this to run it hourly. Included in the cron folder.
Throw it in your /etc/cron.d/
0 * * * * root dotnet /gugu/Gugutoyer/src/Gugutoyer.Bot/bin/Release/net7.0/Gugutoyer.Bot.dll
GNU AGPL v3. Hopefully.