
This example app was built using webpack-rails-react with the --redux flag passed on generation. This is a simple Todo List App to demonstrate extracting your client to a React application using redux.

Running Sample App

  1. git clone
  2. npm install && bundle install
  3. bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
  4. foreman start

Steps taken

  1. Create a new rails app
rails new todo_app --skip-turbolinks
  1. add webpack-rails-react to your Gemfile
gem 'webpack-rails-react'
  1. create and migrate the database
  2. generate the app with redux
bundle exec rails g webpack_rails_react:install --redux
  1. enter y to npm install
  2. enter y to bundle install
  3. generate a controller
rails g controller home index --no-helper --no-assets
  1. change your routes file to root to your new controller and hand off all routes to react-router
root 'home#index'
  1. app/views/home/index.html.erb add <div id="app"></div>
  2. You will find the react app in webpack/