
Getting started with Spring Data Couchbase

Primary LanguageJava

tags projects

Getting started with Couchbase and Spring Data Couchbase

This guide walks you through the process of using Spring Data Couchbase to build an application that stores data in and retrieves it from Couchbase, a document-based database. :imagesdir: images

What you’ll build

You will store Person POJOs in a Couchbase database using Spring Data Couchbase.

What you’ll need

Install and launch Couchbase

With your project set up, you can install and launch Couchbase.

For whatever operating system you are using, instructions and downloads can be found at http://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/4.0/install/install-intro.html.

After you install Couchbase, launch it. You should see a webpage opening in your default browser allowing you to setup Couchbase

Define a simple entity

In this example, you store Customer objects.



Here you have a Customer class with three attributes, username, firstName, and lastName. You also have a single constructor to populate the entities when creating a new instance.

In this guide, the typical getters and setters have been left out for brevity.

username bears the @Id annotation. The field annotated with @Id will be used as Key of your document.

The other two properties, firstName and lastName, are left unannotated. It is assumed that they’ll be mapped to fields that share the same name as the properties themselves.

The convenient toString() method will print out the details about a customer.

Couchbase stores data in bucket. Spring Data Couchbase will map the class Customer into a JSON document and store it into the default bucket if not configured otherwise. The JSON document will have an aditional field called _type. Type fields are always useful to filter the documents you store in a bucket.

Create simple queries

Spring Data Couchbase focuses on storing data in Couchbase. It also inherits functionality from the Spring Data Commons project, such as the ability to derive queries. Essentially, you don’t have to learn the query language of Couchbase; you can simply write a handful of methods and the queries are written for you.

To see how this works, create a repository interface that queries Customer documents.



CustomerRepository extends the CouchabseRepository interface and plugs in the type of values and id it works with: Customer and String. Out-of-the-box, this interface comes with many operations, including standard CRUD operations (create-read-update-delete).

You can define other queries as needed by simply declaring their method signature. In this case, you add findByFirstName, which essentially seeks documents of type Customer and finds the one that matches on firstName.

You also have findByLastName to find a list of people by last name.

In a typical Java application, you write a class that implements CustomerRepository and craft the queries yourself. What makes Spring Data Couchbase so useful is the fact that you don’t have to create this implementation. Spring Data Couchbase creates it on the fly when you run the application.

Create Indexes

In Couchbase, every queries are backed by indexes. We have several type of indexes. N1QL indexes can be created automatically and are the one used by query derivation. The findAll and deleteAll method are still backed by View indexes that we need to create manually.

To do so, open the Couchbase web UI, click on Indexes, than View, than Create Development View. View are determined based on the repository object. If you have a Customer repository, than you need to name your design document dev_Customer and the view all. Now Spring Data Couchbase knows how to pick up the right view when calling findAll or deleteAll.

Your view should only emit a value when the document is of type Customer. The code should look like

function (doc, meta) {
   if (doc._class == "hello.Customer") {
     emit(meta.id, null);

Don’t forget to publish your view to production. Now let’s wire this up and see what it looks like!

Create an Application class

Here you create an Application class with all the components.



@SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that adds all of the following:

  • @Configuration tags the class as a source of bean definitions for the application context.

  • @EnableAutoConfiguration tells Spring Boot to start adding beans based on classpath settings, other beans, and various property settings.

  • Normally you would add @EnableWebMvc for a Spring MVC app, but Spring Boot adds it automatically when it sees spring-webmvc on the classpath. This flags the application as a web application and activates key behaviors such as setting up a DispatcherServlet.

  • @ComponentScan tells Spring to look for other components, configurations, and services in the the hello package, allowing it to find the HelloController.

The main() method uses Spring Boot’s SpringApplication.run() method to launch an application. Did you notice that there wasn’t a single line of XML? No web.xml file either. This web application is 100% pure Java and you didn’t have to deal with configuring any plumbing or infrastructure.

Spring Boot will handle those repositories automatically as long as they are included in the same package (or a sub-package) of your @SpringBootApplication class. For more control over the registration process, you can use the @EnableCouchbaseRepositories annotation.

Spring Data Couchbase uses the CouchbaseTemplate to execute the queries behind your find* methods. You can use the template yourself for more complex queries, but this guide doesn’t cover that.

Application includes a main() method that autowires an instance of CustomerRepository: Spring Data Couchbase dynamically creates a proxy and injects it there. We use the CustomerRepository through a few tests. First, it saves a handful of Customer objects, demonstrating the save() method and setting up some data to work with. Next, it calls findAll() to fetch all Customer objects from the database. Then it calls findByFirstName() to fetch a single Customer by her first name. Finally, it calls findByLastName() to find all customers whose last name is "Smith".

Spring Boot needs to know at least one IP of your Couchbase nodes to automatically connect to it. This must be provided in your application.properties file so go ahead and create it:



If you installed Couchbase as explained previously, it should be running locally on your machine so you should use as your IP.

While you’re at it, enable the automatic creation of indexes by setting spring.data.couchbase.repositories.enabled to true.

As our Application implements CommandLineRunner, the run method is invoked automatically when boot starts. You should see something like this (with other stuff like queries as well):

== Customers found with findAll():
Customer[username=asmith, firstName='Alice', lastName='Smith']
Customer[username=bsmith, firstName='Bob', lastName='Smith']

== Customer found with findByFirstName('Alice'):
Customer[username=asmith, firstName='Alice', lastName='Smith']
== Customers found with findByLastName('Smith'):
Customer[username=asmith, firstName='Alice', lastName='Smith']
Customer[username=bsmith, firstName='Bob', lastName='Smith']


Congratulations! You set up a Couchbase server and wrote a simple application that uses Spring Data Couchbase to save objects to and fetch them from a database — all without writing a concrete repository implementation.