
Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Couchbase Server Ansible Role

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Works with Ansible Galaxy

You can install this role with the ansible-galaxy command, and can run it directly from the git repository.

You should install it like this:

ansible-galaxy install couchbaselabs.couchbase_server

Make sure you have write access to /etc/ansible/roles/ since that is the default Ansible role installation path, or define your own Ansible role path by creating a $HOME/.ansible.cfg file with these contents:

roles_path = <path_to_your_preferred_role_location>

Change <path_to_your_preferred_role_location> to a directory you have write access to.

See the ansible-galaxy documentation for more details.

Role Variables

In cases where you want simple clusters for development or other non-production use, the values for Couchbase Server role's default variables are good as-is. The only required variable is the couchbase_nodes:

Should you need specific performance or otherwise wish to tweak them for your particular purpose, this section describes all the role variables for your reference in detail, including their default values.


The version of Couchbase Server, this can be enterprise or community. The default value is enterprise


The version and build that you want to install, by default the value is latest. If you want to use a specific version, you would would specify 6.6.0-7909. To find the available versions run the command:

yum list --showduplicates couchbase-server


A fully qualified URL to an *.rpm or *.deb file that you wish to install Couchbase Server from.


All of the properties in the couchbase_os variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified.

Variable Default Description
firewalld false Whether or not to install firewalld and add the Couchbase Ports to the the public zone
disable_thp true Whether or not to install the disable-thp script. This will create a new startup script located in /etc/init.d/disable-thp
common_tools false Whether or not to install common tools, which includes: epel-release, git, jq, ntp, nmap, lshw, sysstat, lvm2, htop, iotop, wireshark, dstat, nmon
kernel_tunings true Whether or not to apply the sysctl.conf tunings i.e. vm.swappiness = 1 This will create a new file located in /etc/sysctl.d/couchbase-server.conf
user_limits true Whether or not to set the user limits for the couchbase user. This will create a new file located in /etc/security/limits.d/couchbase-server.conf
  firewalld: true
  disable_thp: true
  common_tools: true
  kernel_tunings: true
  user_limits: true


All of the properties in the couchbase_nodes variable are optional except for the hostname property which is required. If the services: property is not specified the value from couchbase_server.default_services will be used instead if it is defined, if it is not defined the default is data,index,query. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
*hostname null The hostname of the node to add. This property is required for any installation/configuration
group null The group name to assign the node to, if not specified the node will be added to the default group.
services - data
- index
- query
The services to run on the node, valid values are:
- data
- index
- query
- fts
- eventing
- analytics
  - hostname: host1.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZA
      - data
  - hostname: host2.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZA
      - data
  - hostname: host3.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZB
      - data
  - hostname: host4.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZB
      - data
  - hostname: host5.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZA
      - index
      - query
  - hostname: host6.couchbase.example.com
    group: AZB
      - index
      - query


All of the properties in the couchbase_cluster variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
name My Cluster The name of the Couchbase Cluster
rest_protocol http The REST protocol to use
port 8091 The default port to use for the cluster
notifications true Whether or not console notifications should be enabled
index_storage default Specifies the index storage mode for the index service. Accepted storage modes are "default" for the standard index backend or memopt for memory optimized indexes.
default_services - data
- index
- query
The default services to use when initializing the cluster or adding a new node to the cluster
  name: Demo
  rest_protocol: http
  port: 8091
  notifications: true
  index_storage: default
    - data
    - index
    - query


All of the properties in the couchbase_memory_quotas variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
analytics 1024 Sets the Analytics service memory quota (in MB). This quota will be assigned to all future nodes added to the cluster with the analytics service.
data 4098 Specifies the data services memory quota (in MB). This quota will be assigned to all future nodes added to the cluster with the data service.
eventing 256 Sets the Eventing service memory quota (in MB). This quota will be assigned to all future nodes added to the cluster with the eventing service.
fts 512 Sets the full-text service memory quota (in MB). This quota will be assigned to all future nodes added to the cluster with the full-text service.
index 512 Sets the index service memory quota (in MB). This quota will be assigned to all future nodes added to the cluster with the index service.
  analytics: 1024
  data: 16000
  eventing: 256
  fts: 512
  index: 512


All of the properties in the couchbase_security variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
admin_user Administrator The cluster Administrators username
admin_password password The cluster Administrators password
disable_http_ui false Specifies whether the Couchbase Web Console can be accessible over http.
disable_www_authenticate false Specifies whether Couchbase Server will respond with WWW-Authenticate to unauthenticated requests.
cluster_encryption_level control Specifies the cluster encryption level. The level is used when cluster encryption is turned on. If the level is "all" then both data and control messages between the nodes in the cluster will be sent over encrypted connections. If the level is "control" only control messages will be sent encrypted.
tls_min_version tlsv1 Specify the minimum TLS protocol version to be used across all of the Couchbase services.
tls_honor_cipher_order true Specifies whether the cipher-order must be followed across all of the services. When set to true, this allows weaker ciphers to be included in the cipher list for backwards compatibility of older clients/browsers while still forcing the newer clients to use stronger ciphers.
  admin_user: Administrator
  admin_password: password
  disable_http_ui: false
  disable_www_authenticate: false
  cluster_encryption_level: control
  tls_min_version: tlsv1
  tls_honor_cipher_order: true


All of the properties in the couchbase_paths variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
data /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data The path to store data files create by the Couchbase data service. Note that this path is also where view indexes are written on this server.
index /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data The path to store files create by the Couchbase index service.
analytics /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data The path to store files create by the Couchbase Analytics service.
eventing /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data The path to store files create by the Couchbase Eventing service.
  data: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data
  index: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/index
  analytics: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/analytics
  eventing: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/eventing


All of the properties in the couchbase_rebalance_settings variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
rebalance_retry false Enable or disable automatic rebalance retry
wait_for 300 Specify the amount of time to wait after a failed rebalance before retrying. Time must be a value between 5 and 3600 seconds
max_attempts 1 Specify the number of times a failed rebalance will be retried. The value provided must be between 1 and 3.
moves_per_node 4 Specify the number ofconcurrent vBucket to move per a node during a rebalance. The value provided must be between 1 and 64. A higher setting may improve rebalance performance, at the cost of higher resource consumption; in terms of CPU, memory, disk, and bandwidth. Conversely, a lower setting may degrade rebalance performance, while freeing up such resources. Note, however, that rebalance performance can be affected by many additional factors; and that in consequence, changing this parameter may not always have the expected effects. Note also that a higher setting, due to its additional consumption of resources, may degrade the performance of other systems, including the Data Service.
  rebalance_retry: false
  wait_for: 300
  max_attempts: 1
  moves_per_node: 4


All of the properties in the couchbase_audit variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
enabled true Specifies whether or not auditing is enabled.
log_path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs Specifies the auditing log path. This should be a path to a folder where the auditing log is kept. The folder must exist on all servers in the cluster.
log_rotate_interval 86400 Specifies the audit log rotate interval. This is the interval in which the current audit log will be replaced with a new empty audit log file. The log file is rotated to ensure that the audit log does not consume too much disk space. The minimum audit log rotate interval is 15 minutes (900 seconds).
log_rotate_size 20971520 Specifies the audit log rotate size. This is the size at which the current audit log will be replaced with a new empty audit log file. The log file is rotated to ensure that the audit log does not consume too much disk space. The minimum audit log rotate size is 0 bytes and maximum is 524,288,000 (500MB). When it is set to 0 the log will not be rotated based on size.
  enabled: true
  log_path: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs
  log_rotate_interval: 86400
  log_rotate_size: 20971520


All of the properties in the couchbase_password_policy variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
min_length 6 Specifies the minimum password length for new passwords.
uppercase false Specifies that new passwords must contain at least one upper case letter.
lowercase false Specifies that new passwords must contain at least one lower case letter.
digit false Specifies that new passwords must contain at least one digit.
special_char false Specifies that new passwords must contain at least one special character.
  min_length: 6
  uppercase: false
  lowercase: false
  digit: false
  special_char: false


All of the properties in the couchbase_query_settings variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
pipeline_batch 16 Number of items execution operators can batch
pipeline_cap 512 Maximum number of items each execution operator can buffer
scan_cap 512 Maximum buffer size for index scans; use zero or negative value to disable
timeout 0 Server execution timeout; use zero or negative value to disable
prepared_limit 16384 Maximum number of prepared statements
completed_limit 4000 Maximum number of completed requests
completed_threshold 1000 Cache completed queries lasting longer than this threshold (in milliseconds)
log_level info Sets the log level for the query service. Valid log levels include "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "server" and "none"
max_parallelism 1 Maximum parallelism per query; use zero or negative value to disable
  pipeline_batch: 16
  pipeline_cap: 512
  scan_cap: 512
  timeout: 0
  prepared_limit: 16384
  completed_limit: 4000
  completed_threshold: 1000
  log_level: info
  max_parallelism: 1


All of the properties in the couchbase_index_settings variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
max_rollback_points 2 The maximum number of rollback points. The value of this option must be greater than or equal to 1.
stable_snapshot_interval 5000 Specifies the frequency of persisted snapshots for recovery in seconds. This means that in the event of a failover this is the farthest back we may have to rebuild the index from. This value of this parameter must be greater than 1.
memory_snapshot_interval 200 Specifies the frequency of in-memory snapshots in milliseconds. This determines the earliest possibility of a scan seeing a given KV mutation. This value of this parameter must be greater than 1.
threads 0 Sets the number of CPUs that can be used by the indexer. The value of this option must be between 0 and 1024.
log_level info Sets the log level for the index service. Valid log levels include "debug", "silent", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "verbose", "timing", and "trace"
  max_rollback_points: 2
  stable_snapshot_interval: 5000
  memory_snapshot_interval: 200
  threads: 0
  log_level: info


All of the properties in the couchbase_autofailover variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
enabled true
failover_timeout 120 Specifies the auto-failover timeout. This is the amount of time a node must be unresponsive before the cluster manager considers the node to be down and fails it over. The minimum auto-failover timeout is 30 seconds in Couchbase Community Edition and 5 seconds in Couchbase Enterprise Edition
max_failovers 1 Specifies the number of auto-failover events that will be handled before requiring user intervention. A single event could be one node failing over or an entire Server Group. The maximum allowed value is three. This feature is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.
failover_of_server_groups false Specifies whether or not auto-failover can failover entire Server Groups. This feature is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.
failover_on_data_disk_issues true Specifies whether or not autofailover on Data Service disk issues is enabled. Set this option to "1" to enable failover on Data Service disk issue or "0" to disable it. "--failover-data-disk-period" needs to be set at the same time when enabling this option. This feature is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.
failover_data_disk_period 120 Specifies the failover data disk period. This is the period of time over which the Data Service is checked for potential sustained Disk I/O failures. The Data Service is checked every second for disk failures. If 60% of the checks during that time period report disk failures, then the node may be automatically failed over. "--enable-failover-on-data-disk-issues" must be set when this option is used. The failover data disk period ranges from 5 to 3600 seconds.
can_abort_rebalance true Enables auto-failover to abort rebalance and perform auto-failover. This feature is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.
  enabled: true
  failover_timeout: 120
  max_failovers: 1
  failover_of_server_groups: false
  failover_on_data_disk_issues: true
  failover_data_disk_period: 120
  can_abort_rebalance: true


All of the properties in the couchbase_email_alerts variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
enabled false Enables email alerts on this cluster.
username null The email server username for the sender email address. This field is required if the email address provided requires authentication.
password null The email server password for the sender email address. This field is required if the email address provided requires authentication.
host localhost The email server hostname that hosts the email address specified by the sender
port 25 The email server port number of the server that hosts the email address specified by the sender option.
encrypt false Enables SSL encryption when connecting to the email server.
sender couchbase@localhost If email alerts an enabled then this option will set the sender email address.
recipients [] A list of users to email when an alert is raised in the server.
alerts - alert-auto-failover-node
- alert-auto-failover-max-reached
- alert-auto-failover-node-down
- alert-auto-failover-cluster-small
- alert-auto-failover-disable
- alert-ip-changed
- alert-disk-space
- alert-meta-overhead
- alert-meta-oom
- alert-write-failed
- alert-audit-msg-dropped
- alert-indexer-max-ram
- alert-timestamp-drift-exceeded
- alert-communication-issue
- alert-auto-failover-node: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when a node is automatically failed over.
- alert-auto-failover-max-reached: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when the maximum amount of auto-failovers is reached.
- alert-auto-failover-node-down: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when auto-failover could not be completed because another node in the cluster was already down.
- alert-auto-failover-cluster-small: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when auto-failover could not be completed because the cluster is too small.
- alert-auto-failover-disable: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when auto-failover could not be completed because auto-failover is disabled on this cluster.
- alert-ip-changed: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when the IP address on a node in the cluster changes.
- alert-disk-space: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when the disk usage on a node in the cluster reaches 90% of the available disk space.
- alert-meta-overhead: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when the metadata overhead on the data service is more than 50%.
- alert-meta-oom: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when all of the memory in the cache for a bucket is used by metadata. If this condition is hit the bucket will be unusable until more memory is added to the bucket cache.
- alert-write-failed: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when writing data to disk on the data service has failed.
- alert-audit-msg-dropped: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when writing event to audit log fails.
- alert-indexer-max-ram: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when the memory usage for the indexer service on a specific node exceeds the per node memory usage limit. This warning is only shown for if the index storage type is Memory Optimized Indexes (MOI).
- alert-timestamp-drift-exceeded: Specifies that an email alert should be sent if the clocks on two different machines in the cluster are more that five seconds apart.
- alert-communication-issue: Specifies that an email alert should be sent when nodes are experiencing communication issues.

  enabled: true
  host: localhost
  port: 25
  encrypt: false
  sender: couchbase@localhost
    - couchbase-admin@example.com
    - alert-auto-failover-node
    - alert-auto-failover-max-reached
    - alert-auto-failover-node-down
    - alert-auto-failover-cluster-small
    - alert-auto-failover-disable
    - alert-ip-changed
    - alert-disk-space
    - alert-meta-overhead
    - alert-meta-oom
    - alert-write-failed
    - alert-audit-msg-dropped
    - alert-indexer-max-ram
    - alert-timestamp-drift-exceeded
    - alert-communication-issue


The couchbase_buckets variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, the name property is required, all other properties are optional and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
*name null The name of the bucket to create. The only characters that can be used for the bucket-name are those in the ranges of A-Z, a-z, and 0-9; plus the underscore, period, dash, and percent characters. The name can be a maximum of 100 characters in length.
type couchbase The type of bucket to create. Accepted bucket types are "couchbase", "ephemeral", and "memcached". The Couchbase bucket is the standard bucket type. It supports data persistence, replication, caching, indexing, views, and N1QL queries. The Ephemeral bucket is an in-memory bucket similar to the Couchbase bucket; but it does not support data persistence or views. The Memcached bucket is a cache-only bucket that does not support persistence, replication, indexing, views, or N1QL querying: this bucket type provides the same behavior as Memcached Server. Memcached buckets are deprecated and Ephemeral buckets should be used instead.
storage_backend couchstore The type of storage to use with the bucket. This is only specified for "couchbase" buckets. Accepted values are "couchstore" or "magma".
ram_size 100 The amount of memory to allocate to the cache for this bucket, in Megabytes. The memory quota of this bucket must fit into the overall cluster memory quota. The minimum cache size is 100MB.
replicas 1 The number of servers to which data is replicated. Replicas provide protection against data loss by keeping copies of this bucket’s data on multiple servers. By default, the number of replicas is one, even if there is only a single server in the cluster. The minimum number of replicas is zero, and the maximum three. This option is valid for Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets only.
priority low Specifies the priority of this bucket’s background tasks. This option is valid for Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets only. For Couchbase buckets, background task-types include disk I/O, DCP stream-processing, and item-paging. For Ephemeral buckets, background task-types are the same as for Couchbase buckets, with the exception of disk I/O, which does not apply to Ephemeral buckets. The value of this option may be "high" or "low". The default is "low". Specifying "high" may result in faster processing; but only when more than one bucket is defined for the cluster, and when different priority settings have been established among the buckets. When Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets have different priority settings, this affects the prioritization only of task-types other than disk I/O.
eviction_policy valueOnly The memory-cache eviction policy for this bucket. This option is valid for Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets only.

Couchbase buckets support either "valueOnly" or "fullEviction". Specifying the "valueOnly" policy means that each key stored in this bucket must be kept in memory. This is the default policy: using this policy improves performance of key-value operations, but limits the maximum size of the bucket. Specifying the "fullEviction" policy means that performance is impacted for key-value operations, but the maximum size of the bucket is unbounded.

Ephemeral buckets support either "noEviction" or "nruEviction". Specifying "noEviction" means that the bucket will not evict items from the cache if the cache is full: this type of eviction policy should be used for in-memory database use-cases. Specifying "nruEviction" means that items not recently used will be evicted from memory, when all memory in the bucket is used: this type of eviction policy should be used for caching use-cases.
conflict_resolution sequence Specifies this bucket’s conflict resolution mechanism; which is to be used if a conflict occurs during Cross Data-Center Replication (XDCR). Sequence-based and timestamp-based mechanisms are supported.

Sequence-based conflict resolution selects the document that has been updated the greatest number of times since the last sync: for example, if one cluster has updated a document twice since the last sync, and the other cluster has updated the document three times, the document updated three times is selected; regardless of the specific times at which updates took place.

Timestamp-based conflict resolution selects the document with the most recent timestamp: this is only supported when all clocks on all cluster-nodes have been fully synchronized.
flush false Specifies whether or not the flush operation is allowed for this bucket.
durability_min_level none The minimum durability level for the bucket. Accepted values for "ephemeral" buckets are "none" or "majority". Accepted values for "couchbase" buckets are "none", "majority", "majorityAndPersistActive", or "persistToMajority".

"none" specifies mutations to the bucket are asynchronous and offer no durability guarantees. "majority" specifies mutations must be replicated to (that is, held in the memory allocated to the bucket on) a majority of the Data Service nodes. "majorityAndPersistActive" specifies mutations must be replicated to a majority of the Data Service nodes. Additionally, it must be written to disk on the node hosting the active vBucket for the data. "persistToMajority" specifies mutations must be persisted to a majority of the Data Service nodes. Accordingly, it will be written to disk on those nodes.
compression_mode passive Specifies the compression-mode of the bucket. There are three options; off, passive and active. All three modes are backwards compatible with older SDKs, where Couchbase Server will automatically uncompress documents for clients that do not understand the compression being used. This option is only available for Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.

Off: Couchbase Server will only compress document values when persisting to disk. This is suitable for use cases where compression could have a negative impact on performance. Please note it is expected that compression in most use cases will improve performance.

Passive: Documents which were compressed by a client, or read compressed from disk will be stored compress in-memory. Couchbase Server will make no additional attempt to compress documents that are not already compressed.

Active: Couchbase Server will actively and aggressively attempt to compress documents, even if they have not been received in a compressed format. This provides the benefits of compression even when the SDK clients are not complicit.
max_ttl 0 Specifies the maximum TTL (time-to-live) for all documents in bucket in seconds. If enabled and a document is mutated with no TTL or a TTL greater than than the maximum, its TTL will be set to the maximum TTL. Setting this option to 0 disables the use of max-TTL and the largest TTL that is allowed is 2147483647. This option is only available for Couchbase and Ephemeral buckets in Couchbase Enterprise Edition.
enable_index_replica false Enables view index replication for the current bucket. This option is valid for Couchbase buckets only.
  - name: baseball
    type: couchbase
    ram_size: 400
    replicas: 1
    compression_mode: active
  - name: ecommerce
    type: couchbase
    ram_size: 700
    replicas: 1
    compression_mode: active
  - name: movies
    type: couchbase
    ram_size: 450
    replicas: 1
    compression_mode: active


The couchbase_sample_buckets variable is an empty list by default. Only the following values are supported: "travel-sample", "beer-sample" or "gamesim-sample"

  - travel-sample


The couchbase_xdcr_remotes variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, each of the 4 properties are required when specifying an XDCR Remote. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
*name null The name for the remote cluster reference.
*hostname null The hostname of the remote cluster reference.
*username null The username of the remote cluster reference.
*password null The password of the remote cluster reference.
  - name: My Cluster
    hostname: remotehost.couchbase.example.com
    username: Administrator
    password: password


The couchbase_xdcr_replications variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, the from_bucket, to_bucket and cluster_name properties are required, all other properties are optional and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
*from_bucket null The name bucket to replicate data from.
*to_bucket null The name bucket to replicate data to.
*cluster_name null The name of the cluster reference to replicate to.
filter_expression null A regular expression used to filter the replication stream.
checkpoint_interval 600 The interval between checkpoints in seconds. The value of this option must be between 60 and 14,400.
worker_batch_size 500 The worker batch size. The value of this option must be between 500 and 10,000.
doc_batch_size 2048 The document batch size in Kilobytes. The value of this option must be between 10 and 100,000.
failure_restart_interval 10 Interval for restarting failed XDCR connections in seconds. The value of this option must be between 1 and 300.
optimistic_replication_threshold 256 Document body size threshold in bytes used to trigger optimistic replication.
source_nozzle_per_node 2 The number of source nozzles to each node in the target cluster. The value of this option must be between 1 and 10.
target_nozzle_per_node 2 The number of outgoing nozzles to each node in the target cluster. The value of this option must be between 1 and 10.
bandwidth_usage_limit 0 The bandwidth limit for XDCR replications in Megabytes per second for this replication.
enable_compression true Specifies whether or not XDCR compression is enabled. This feature is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition and can only be used where the target cluster supports compression.
log_level Info The XDCR log level. The following values are supported: "Error", "Info", "Debug", "Trace"
stats_interval 1000 The interval for statistics updates in milliseconds.
priority High Specify the priority for the replication. The options are "High", "Medium" or "Low"
reset_expiry false When set to true, all mutations sent to the target cluster will have the expiration set to zero. This means documents will not expire in target cluster. This can be overridden by setting max-ttl on the target bucket.
filter_deletion false When set to true, delete mutations will not be sent to the target cluster. This means documents will not be deleted in the target cluster via delete operations on the source cluster.
filter_expiration false When set to true, expiry mutations will not be sent to the target cluster. This means documents will not be deleted in the target cluster via expirations on the source cluster.
  - from_bucket: beer
    to_bucket: demo
    cluster_name: My Cluster


All of the properties in the couchbase_ldap variable are optional, and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
hosts [] List of LDAP hosts. If this is empty, LDAP is not configured
port 389 LDAP port.
encryption none Security used to communicate with LDAP servers. Supported options are: tls, startTLS, none.
cacert cacert Path to CA certificate to be used for server’s certificate validation, required if certificate validation is not disabled
server_cert_validation false Enable or disable certificate validation when connecting to LDAP server.
bind_dn null The DN of a user to authenticate as to allow user search and groups synchronization. If bind details or client TLS certificate are not provided anonymous bind will be used instead.
bind_password null The bind user password
client_cert null The client TLS certificate to be used to bind against the LDAP Server to allow user and groups synchronization. If bind details or client TLS certificate are not provided anonymous bind will be used instead. '--client-cert' and '--client-key' need to be set together.
client_key null The client TLS key. This is used with '--client-cert' flag for certificate authentication. '--client-cert' and '--client-key' need to be set together.
authentication_enabled false Enables using LDAP to authenticate users
user_dn_query null LDAP query to get user’s DN. Must contains at least one instance of %u Example: ou=Users,dc=example??one?(uid=%u)
authorization_enabled false Enables using LDAP to give users authorization
group_query null LDAP query, to get the users' groups by username in RFC4516 format. The %u and %D placeholders can be used, for username and user’s DN respectively. If attribute is present in the query, the list of attribute values in the search result is considered as list of user’s groups (single entry result is expected): for example: '%D?memberOf?base'. If the attribute is not present in the query, every returned entry is considered a group, for example: 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com??one?(member=%D)'
max_parallel_connections 100 Maximum number of parallel connections that can be established with LDAP servers.
max_cache_size 10000 Maximum number of requests that can be cached, defaults to 10000.
cache_value_lifetime 300000 Lifetime of values in cache in milliseconds. Default 300000 ms.
enable_nested_groups false If enabled Couchbase server will try to recursively search for groups for every discovered ldap group.
nested_groups_max_depth 10 Maximum number of recursive groups requests the server is allowed to perform. This option is only valid when nested groups are enabled. The depth is an integer between 1 and 100, default is 10.
request_timeout 1000 The timeout for LDAP requests in milliseconds.
    - ldap.example.com
  port: 389
  encryption: none
  server_cert_validation: false
  bind_dn: uid=aaronb,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
  bind_password: password
  authentication_enabled: true
  user_dn_query: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com??one?(uid=%u)
  authorization_enabled: true
  group_query: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com?(gidNumber=5000)?one
  max_parallel_connections: 100
  max_cache_size: 10000
  cache_value_lifetime: 300000
  enable_nested_groups: true
  enable_nested_groups: true
  nested_groups_max_depth: 10


The couchbase_user_groups variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, the name property is required, all other properties are optional and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
*name null Specifies the target group for the group operations
description null Specifies the group description
ldap_ref null Specifies the LDAP group’s distinguished name, to link the couchbase group with the LDAP one.
roles [] Specifies the roles to be given to an RBAC user profile. See the ROLES section for more details on the available roles in Couchbase.
  - name: Demo
    description: test
      - cluster_admin
      - replication_admin
  - name: Test
    description: test
      - cluster_admin
      - replication_admin
  - name: admins
    description: test
      - cluster_admin
      - replication_admin


The couchbase_users variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, the name property is required, all other properties are optional and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified. Additional Documentation

Variable Default Description
username null Specifies the username of the RBAC user to modify. This option is used when deleting, creating, or updating an RBAC user profile.
password null Specifies the password to be used for an RBAC user profile. This option is used only when creating or updating a local RBAC user profile. Couchbase does not store password for external RBAC roles.
name null Specifies the name to be used for an RBAC user profile and it is recommended that this option be set to the users full name.
roles [] Specifies the roles to be given to an RBAC user profile. See the ROLES section for more details on the available roles in Couchbase.
groups null Specifies the groups the user should be added to.
domain local Specifies the auth_domain to use for a RBAC user profile and it may be set to either local or external. Local users are users that are managed directly by the Couchbase cluster. External users are users managed by an external source such as LDAP.
  - username: aaronb
    name: Aaron B
      - admin
      - cluster_admin
      - Demo
    auth_domain: external
  - username: jadt
    password: password
    name: Jad Talbert
      - admin
      - cluster_admin
      - Demo
      - Test
    auth_domain: local


The couchbase_indexes variable is an empty list by default. When specified the following properties are available to each item in the list, the bucket and definition properties are required, all other properties are optional and will be assigned to the default value listed if not specified.

Variable Default Description
*bucket null The name of the bucket to create the index on
*definition null The index definition to create. Do not specify the WITH {...} block
num_replicas null The number of replicas to create
num_partitions null The number of index partitions to create if using PARTITION BY in the index definition
nodes [] A list of nodes to deploy the index to
sec_key_size null The average length of the combined index key values
doc_key_size null The average length of the document key meta().id
arr_size null The average length of the array field. Non-array fields will be ignored.
num_doc null The number of documents expected to be in the index
resident_ratio null The estimated resident ratio of the index
  - bucket: demo
    definition: CREATE INDEX idx_test ON demo (username)
    replicas: 1
  - bucket: demo
    definition: CREATE INDEX idx_test2 ON demo (email)
    replicas: 1
  - bucket: ecommerce
    definition: CREATE INDEX idx_test3 ON demo (username)
    replicas: 1