Couchbase Connect EU Demo - Start a Revolution

This is the code for the live demo at Couchbase Connect EU - 'Start a Revolution'.

This code was created purely for demo purposes and does not necessarily represent Couchbase best practices.

Website Setup

Initial Setup

  1. Install and setup Couchbase Server 5.0+ on your nodes.

  2. Install couchbase and tornado python modules. e.g:

    pip install couchbase tornado
  3. Adjust to point towards the servers/users/buckets that you are using for 'aws' and 'azure'. If not using XDCR, you can just point towards one cluster.

  4. Create the appropriate bucket on your server, ensuring that a user is created with full access to that bucket.

  5. Run the script to populate the bucket with the necessary documents:

  6. Start the web server:


    (note: If running the web-server on port 80, you must run this using sudo)

  7. Access the web page at http://localhost:8888 (or whichever port you have chosen). The nodes visualiser can be accessed at /nodes and the latest orders can be found at /query_vis.html. Note that the node visualiser has been orchestrated specifically for the demo and may not display the correct output in all cases.

Query Setup

  1. Add a Query/Index node into the cluster (if there is not one already).

  2. Create the following index:

    CREATE INDEX category ON couchmart(category)

Search Setup

  1. Add a search node into the cluster (if there is not one already)

  2. Create a search index called English.

Mobile Setup

  1. Start up Sync Gateway 1.5 against your cluster, using the configuration found at android/sync-gateway-config-xattrs.json. Ensure that you update the access credentials to be correct for your environment.

  2. Open the folder android in Android Studio.

  3. Import the relevant dependencies and setup the project.

  4. Set the mSyncGatewayUrl in android/app/src/main/java/com/couchbase/shop/ to point towards your Sync Gateway.

  5. 'Run' the project, either on a real android device or a simulator.

Demo Queries

  1. Find the most popular products that have been ordered:

    SELECT   COUNT(1) `order`, product
    FROM couchmart UNNEST `order` as product
    WHERE couchmart.`type` = "order"
    GROUP BY product
    LIMIT 5;
  2. Find out who had the most expensive shopping basket:

    SELECT name, SUM(a.price) price, b.`order` basket FROM couchmart b 
    JOIN couchmart a ON KEYS b.`order`
    WHERE b.type="order"
    GROUP BY meta(b).id,,b.`order`
    ORDER BY price DESC
    LIMIT 10
  3. Set a category of items to be out of stock:

    UPDATE couchmart SET stock=0 WHERE category="drinks"