Group of AWS Lambda functions used to generate an easy-to-modify portfolio for artists.
Enables static asset optimization, HTML template rendering, and live-webpage updates with no downtime.
S3 -> Lambda -> DynamoDB -> Lambda -> S3
"config+assets" -> "optimize assets" -> "track metadata" -> "render web pages" -> "serve content"
TODO: Scripts -> Github
TODO: Cloudformation
Currently, deployment is managed by Make
#creates deployment ready zip files from Lambda function code and dependencies
#tries to create Lambda function using AWS cli. Use only when zero Lambda exist.
make create
#creates Lambda function for specific module.
make c."module_name"
#updates all lambda functions with most recent code. Use only when all Lambda exist.
make update
#updates Lambda function for specific module.
make u."module_name"
#deletes all lambda functions. Use only when all Lambda exist.
make delete
#deletes Lambda function for specific module.
make d."module_name"
#deletes unnecessary deployment files.
make clean
- Modify category parser to using folder structure instead of labeled artwork files?????????
- Add HTML page submitting POST requests to AWS API Gateway for artist/user to update settings such as ordering of artwork/categories, thumbnail art, category names.
- Modify handler scripts to use SNS to add events to SQS to be processed by existing Lambda functions. Goals:
- Ensure latest, most up to date pages are pushed to server last (not overwritten)
- Efficient execution/rendering of HTML and image assets. (do minimal work required)
- Methodology for handling missed events.
- Decouple Lambda functions (increased concurrency, purer microservices)
- Reduce costs??? (Lambda has to poll SQS, might not be worth it when very few events happen per year. Discuss with AWS employee at Loft)
- See: