
A NodeJS wrapper for the Oanda REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

A new version is being developed over here which will replace this version eventually. It has Promises, compatible with async/await, and it can actually do POST, PUT and PATCH requests without breaking! It implements the Oanda REST-V20 API and should hopefully be less complicated.

This library is a NodeJS wrapper for the Oanda REST API. It provides a simple abstraction layer for making requests and retrieving responses from the API.

Getting started

To install the library, you will need to have NodeJS and the Node Package Manager (npm) setup on your machine.

In the root folder of your project, run the following:

npm install node-oanda --save

If you do not want to add a reference to the library in your package.json file you can omit the --save parameter.


Once you've installed the package you should be able to require it in your own code. To require the package, add the following line to a javascript file that you would like to use the API in:

var Oanda = require('node-oanda');

Initializing the API

Before you can make requests to the API, you need to create a new Oanda object with configuration parameters

var Oanda = require('node-oanda');

var config = {
  token: 'my_access_token',
  type: 'practice',
  dateFormat: 'unix'

var api = new Oanda(config);

Configuration options

token (string)


The access token for the account you want to access the API with. You must have an account with Oanda in order to use the API.

type (string)

Optional. Defaults to 'real'

The type parameter specifies which of the Oanda environments you'd like to use.


dateFormat (string)

Optional. Defaults to 'RFC3339'

The date format that you want the API to return. The API supports the following values


Making API requests

With the API configuration initialized, you can now start retrieving and posting data to the API. The Oanda object is broken down into different endpoints as per the Oanda documentation.

Example request

var Oanda = require('node-oanda');

var config = {
  token: 'my_access_token',
  type: 'practice',
  dateFormat: 'unix'

var api = new Oanda(config);

// This only creates a request object, the request is not yet sent
var request = api.accounts.getAccountsForUser();

// Here we handle a successful response from the server
request.success(function(data) {
  console.log('Yay! My data: ', data);

// Here we handle an error returned from the server
request.error(function(err) {
  console.log('Damn, something went wrong: ', err);

// Execute the request.

In the example above, we created a request for getAccountsForUser which is an endpoint in the accounts API. What is returned is simply an object containing details of a request. The request has not yet been sent to the server.

We then add callbacks to the request using the success and error parameters. When we're finally ready to send the request, we call go, the request is sent and appropriate callback will be fired when a response is returned, or the request times out.

API endpoints

For complete documentation about each of the endpoints, please see the official Oanda documentation. All parameters from the Oanda documentation that are not explicitly listed should be place inside the options parameter.

api.rates.getInstrumentList( account_id, options )
api.rates.getCurrentPrices( instruments, options )
api.rates.retrieveInstrumentHistory( instrument, options )
api.accounts.getAccountsForUser( username )
api.accounts.getAccountInformation( account_id )
api.orders.getOrdersForAccount( account_id, options )
api.orders.createNewOrder( account_id, instrument, units, side, type, expiry, price, options )  
api.orders.getInformationForOrder( account_id, order_id )
api.orders.modifyExistingOrder( account_id, order_id, options )
api.orders.closeOrder( account_id, order_id )
api.trades.getListOfOpenTrades( account_id, options )
api.trades.getInformationOnSpecificTrade( account_id, trade_id )
api.trades.modifyExistingTrade( account_id, trade_id, options )
api.trades.closeOpenTrade( account_id, trade_id )
api.positions.getListOfOpenPositions( account_id )
api.positions.getPositionForInstrument( account_id, instrument )
api.positions.closeExistingPosition( account_id, instrument )
api.history.getTransactionHistory( account_id, options )
api.history.getInformationForTransaction( account_id, transation_id )
api.history.getFullAccountHistory( account_id )