
Cloudflare Dynamic DNS

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Cloudflare Dynamic DNS

Update one or several records from Cloudflare with the public IP of your server. This replaces any dynamic DNS service.

This project is based on benkulbertis work (https://gist.github.com/benkulbertis/fff10759c2391b6618dd).

I improved the original script with the following things:

  • Separate configuration file to store Cloudflare credentials
  • Possibility to update several records
  • If update fail, try to update the record during the next launch
  • Better management of errors during execution
  • Use standard logging dir and var dir


cp cfddns /usr/local/sbin/
cp cfddns.conf /etc/
# Change cfddns.conf with your own settings
chmod 640 /etc/cfddns.conf
cp cfddns.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/cfddns
echo "*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/sbin/cfddns" > /etc/cron.d/cfddns


The configuration file looks like that:

# API token, generated from your profile settings
auth_token="<32 characters token>"

# You can also use legacy authentication method using the global API key

# Your cloudflare account login
# auth_email="name@domain.com"

# Your cloudflare token, found in your profile settings
# auth_key="<32 characters key>"

# URL of a service that can provide you your public IP
# This URL must return only the public IP, with no other text

# Your zone to update

# Space separated list of records to update (they all must belong to the same zone)
records="record1.domain.com record2.domain.com"


List of things that still could be improved:

  • Possibility to update more than one zone
  • Possibility to override parameters from configuration file with arguments provided in command line
  • Add verbosity
  • Update records AAAA field if host has an IPv6
  • Create record if not existant