
Customizable health checkes integrated with the Laravel framework

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Health-Check



PHP 8.0+ is required.

$ composer require countless-integers/laravel-health-check
$ php artisan vendor:publish


Package publishes its config to your project's and it can be found at config/health-check.php.


  • even though all checker classes are optional, all the libraries that they depend on are not
  • no aliases for check, instead check class names are used

Configuration keys


List of checker classes that should run on service check. By default, all available checkers are included in the exported configuration. You can disable the ones you don`t want by removing their key from this array.

Some of the checkers can or need to be configured. List of available configuration options:

Checker class Configuration key Supported Values Default value
CacheChecker - - -
DbChecker query (string) raw SQL query SHOW TABLES
DiskSpaceChecker min_free_space (required) Value with a SI prefix (KB, MB, GB, TB), e.g. 1GB -
DiskSpaceChecker drive_path (string) mount path .
LogFileChecker log_path (string) writable log path /var/log/laravel.log
StorageChecker drives (required) drive key configures in filesystems configuration -
DynamodbChecker - requires ListTables permission -
DynamodbChecker tables ([]string) table names, requires DescribeTable permission -
SQSChecker queue_url (required) queue url, used to identify the queue -
PingChecker domains (required, []string) list of urls to ping -
PingChecker timeout (int) timeout value for each check 5 (sec)


Same format as checkers, but these checks are only run if the endpoint was called with extended option (see below).

Other options

Configuration key Supported Values Default value
access_token null (string)
extended null (bool)

Contribution guidelines

PR-s need to:

  • include a description explaining the problem and solution
  • pass static analysis (uses psalm, ran on CI)
  • pass test (uses codeception, ran on CI)

Running tests

You can use composer scripts:

  • to run all tests:

      $ composer test
  • to run only unit tests:

      $ composer unit-test
  • to run only unit tests with test coverage:

      $ composer unit-test-coverage
  • to view the coverage report (mac only):

      $ composer coverage-report
  • to run static analysis:

      $ composer static-analysis
  • to run all:

      $ composer qa