
Hive digital currency wallet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Work in progress


Grab the source

git clone git@github.com:hivewallet/hive-js.git
cd hive-js
npm install

Setup CouchDB

brew install couchdb

Enable CORS

add the following config in /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini:

enable_cors = true

credentials = true
origins = http://localhost:8080
headers = accept, authorization, content-type, origin

If you want to be able to access the app from a mobile device on your local network, remember to add your host machine IP or alias to the cors origins list.

origins = http://localhost:8080,, http://alice-computer.local:8080

Start CouchDB

# start couchdb upon login
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/couchdb/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
# kick it off
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.couchdb.plist

Click on the bottom link "fix this" to create an admin user, say:

username: admin
password: password


DB_HOST= DB_PORT=5984 DB_USER=admin DB_PASSWORD=password COOKIE_SALT=secret PROXY_URL=https://hive-proxy.herokuapp.com npm run dev
open http://localhost:8080

Live Reload (Optional)

This project has js & css live reload setup. If you wish to use it to boost your productivity, head over to chrome store and download the LiveReload extension. After turning it on, you'd never need to hit the refresh button anymore.



  1. Fork the repo
  2. Push changes to your fork
  3. Create a pull request

Running the test suite

# run both server and client tests
DB_HOST= DB_PORT=5984 DB_USER=admin DB_PASSWORD=password COOKIE_SALT=secret npm test

# just server
DB_HOST= DB_PORT=5984 DB_USER=admin DB_PASSWORD=password COOKIE_SALT=secret npm run test-server

# just client
npm run test-client