
Riak KV Tutorial

MIT LicenseMIT

Riak Lab

This is a quick tutorial and excercise on getting started with Basho's Riak KV. In this excercise, you will gain a basic overview of the Riak data model and how to setup and configure your own Riak cluster. This excercise is accompanied with a few python snippets on how you might use certain functionalities of Riak. In addition, we offer a short excercise demonstrating how you might implement a Craigslist clone backed by Riak.


  1. Read the Introduction
  2. Work on the Warm Up Activity
  3. Work on the Bank Exercise
  4. Work on the User Session Exercise
  5. Read about the things to watch out for while usuing Riak List Of Issues
  6. Check out the documentation! Our Fork or the Official Documentation Repository or their documentation page


David Lam, Zachary Taylor, and Krystal Yang