
in-class-tutorial-mynitran created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageR

# First repository with exercises in dPrep.md
This is a basic example repository using Gnu make for a reproducible research workflow, as described in detail here: [tilburgsciencehub.com](http://tilburgsciencehub.com/). 

The main aim of this to have a basic structure, which can be easily adjusted to use in an actual project.  In this example project, the following is done: 
1. Download and prepare data
2. Run some analysis
3. Present results in a final pdf generated using LaTeX

## Dependencies
- R 
- R packages: `install.packages("stargazer")`
- [Gnu Make](https://tilburgsciencehub.com/get/make) 
- [TeX distribution](https://tilburgsciencehub.com/get/latex/?utm_campaign=referral-short)
- For the `makefile` to work, R, Gnu make and the TeX distribution (specifically `pdflatex`) need to be made available in the system path 
- Detailed installation instructions can be found here: [tilburgsciencehub.com](http://tilburgsciencehub.com/)

## Notes
- `make clean` removes all unncessary temporary files. 
- Tested under Linux Mint (should work in any linux distro, as well as on Windows and Mac) 
- IMPORTANT: In `makefile`, when using `\` to split code into multiple lines, no space should follow `\`. Otherwise Gnu make aborts with error 193. 
- Many possible improvements remain. Comments and contributions are welcome!