
A hacker's hobby project to convey the online brand of Courtyen

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait

if youth only knew, if age only could!

A hacker's hobby project to convey the online brand of Courtyen.

Who is Courtyen?

Courtyen is like 'Courtney' but spelled different. It is pronounced "Court-YEN", similar to how one might say "YIN-yang". As a deeply spiritual personality, "yin" is the feminine side of the duality symbol famously known as "Yin-Yang". The purpose behind this is intentional- without darkness the concept of light could not exist; and vice versa.

Courtyen is simply a brand of Courtney. It is easy to think of her as a tag handle. Behind that cutesy name is how Courtney packages herself: perplexing, and different.

Technical Notes

Beyond being a reflection of Courtney, this project is also to display various technical skills. That is what make these projects fun!

⭐️ Import Maps - A Native way for browsers to handle JavaScript in the frontend. By utilizing import maps, it isolates dependencies and creates clear dependency graphs which is a common problem in large monolithic repositories

⭐️ Micro-Frontends - By bundling micro apps into a plain old JS file, it can be imported and orchestrated upon using routes. This abstraction grants opportunity to use multiple Frontend languages, like Svelte and React, while still sharing state. What it takes is creating strong cohesion with microservices to be the liason between micro-frontends.

✏️ Miscellaneous notes

  • AWS Services
    • EC2
    • VPC
    • RDS
    • Possibly Elasticsearch

That all being said, it is being glued together so although not ready, it is in the process. Thanks for reading.