
Beautifully designed React components for web3 dApp frontend. Easily fetch data from 100+ blockchains. Open-source. Customizable.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GoldRush Kit - powered by Covalent

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Beautifully designed React components for your dApp frontend.

Powered by the GoldRush TypeScript SDK. Supports 100+ Chains. Open-source. Customizable.

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Explore live with Storybook

Explore the GoldRush UI Kit with our live hosted Storybook.


  1. Sign up for a free GoldRush API key to get started with the GoldRush UI Kit.

  2. Install goldrush-kit using npm or yarn:

    npm install @covalenthq/goldrush-kit


    yarn add @covalenthq/goldrush-kit


  1. Import GoldRushProvider

    import { GoldRushProvider } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
  2. Wrap GoldRushProvider around the application and set the GoldRush API key prop.

    Note: You should always keep your API key private, never put it directly into your code, especially frontend code. Instead, use an environment variable to inject the key into your code.

    import { GoldRushProvider } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
    const GoldRushExample = () => {
        return (
    export default GoldRushExample;
  3. Add the stylesheet and custom theme.

    import { GoldRushProvider } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
    import "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit/styles.css";
    const GoldRushExample = () => {
        return (
                    borderRadius: 6,
                    colors: {
                        dark: {
                            primary: "#FF4C8B",
                            background: "#000426",
                            foreground: "#FFFFFF",
                            secondary: "#868E96",
                        light: {
                            primary: "#00D8D5",
                            background: "#FFFFFF",
                            foreground: "#1C2024",
                            secondary: "#868E96",
                    mode: "dark",
    export default GoldRushExample;
  4. Import and configure the desired components.

    Note: If you're using next.js versions ^13.0 with the app router, make sure you have use client; at the top of the file to disable Next's server component modules.

    import { GoldRushProvider, TokenBalancesList } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit"
    import "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit/styles.css";
    const GoldRushExample = () => {
        return (
                    borderRadius: 6,
                    colors: {
                        dark: {
                            primary: "#FF4C8B",
                            background: "#000426",
                            foreground: "#FFFFFF",
                            secondary: "#868E96",
                        light: {
                            primary: "#00D8D5",
                            background: "#FFFFFF",
                            foreground: "#1C2024",
                            secondary: "#868E96",
                    mode: "dark",
    export default GoldRushExample;

Using the example above should render a component similar to this.

GoldRush UI Templates

Name Description
Block Explorer UI A cross chain block explorer kit that can be customized. View live template GitHub last commit
Wallet & Portfolio UI Helps web3 developers easily display tokens and NFTs held by a wallet across multiple blockchains. View live template GitHub last commit
NFT Gallery UI Display NFTs along with metadata. Build web3 NFT galleries using React components. View live template GitHub last commit
Transaction Receipt UI Get a beautifully rendered and detailed view of blockchain transactions. View live template GitHub last commit

Build and customize with Storybook locally

The components used above are built with ReactJS and TailwindCSS, using TypeScript. You can preview and customize the components using Storybook.

  1. Setup Environmental Variables: Create and add a .env file to the root directory of your project and the listed values from .env.example following to the file.

  2. Start development server

    npm run dev
  3. Build/Bundle Component Library

    npm run build:library
  4. Build/Bundle Storybook

    npm run build:storybook


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

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This project is MIT licensed.