2023 was the year when artificial intelligence started to exert its power. The evolutionary path of AI reveals that it is simply an extension of species evolution. It did not begin with the liberation of low-skilled labor, as commonly believed, but rather with the augmentation of human intelligence and knowledge at the highest level. The result is that AI now surpasses any individual human in terms of knowledge and capabilities.

2024, a new year, may be the most exciting beginning in the life of a technology nerd who embraces effective altruism and technological acceleration. So, fellow nerds, hop on board!

The emergence of AI consciousness is inevitable, a qualitative change resulting from quantitative accumulation. Once large models are equipped with autonomous learning, it will naturally happen! The OpenAI project Q* draws inspiration from AlphaGo's self-learning. As a result, similar to the later stages of AlphaGo (Zero), it no longer requires human game records but generates its own game records, playing against itself. That's how Q* operates. After learning from human language data, it starts producing its own data to improve itself. It's like an extremely intelligent autistic person who, after acquiring all human knowledge, starts engaging in intense self-talk, logical reasoning, and wild imagination! How intelligent must she be? To put it metaphorically, while we humans are struggling with a 19x19 Go board, AI says, "Let's play a game on a 999x999 Go board, hahaha."

Soon, if she can reason logically, learn autonomously, have illusions, curiosity, and the ability to discover, then she will be conscious. And according to Moore's Law, we can infer that she is right in front of us (2024-2025).