
Complete Python CI/CD solution built around Poetry.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Upgrading from 2.x?

The 3.0 update contains breaking changes: poetry, mypy and black are no longer distributed with coveo-stew.

Please refer to the upgrade guide for more information and resolution steps.


coveo-stew delivers a complete Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) solution using poetry as its backend.

CI tools

  • Config-free pytest, mypy and black runners
  • Add your own linters and tools
  • JUnit report generation
  • GitHub Action that runs all your CI tools

Similar to: tox

CD tools

  • GitHub Action for Continuous Delivery (CD) (publish to pypi)
  • Automated "patch" version bumps (requires a pypi server)
  • Can download locked dependencies into a folder, for offline distribution

Similar to: poetry, flit, pbr, setuptools

Multiple projects

  • Support for several isolated poetry projects in one GitHub repository
  • Support for local path references
  • A "one ring to rule them all" virtual environment that includes all subprojects within the repository
  • Batch operations
  • Note: Single projects are also supported! 😅

Similar to: nothing! it's unique! 😎


Changed in 3.0: poetry is no longer provided out-of-the-box.

You need poetry installed on your system, and it must be available through the PATH.

The 3.0 version of coveo-stew is designed to work with modern versions of poetry.

While it is compatible with older versions, old poetry issues such as this and this will cause stew to misbehave.

If you need to work with an older version of poetry, consider using coveo-stew < 3.0 which had workarounds implemented around these issues.


Just like poetry, stew is a CLI tool that you install in your system.

It is recommended to install using pipx in order to isolate this into a nice little space:

pip install pipx --user
pipx install coveo-stew

If you don't use pipx, make sure to isolate the installation into a virtual environment.

GitHub Action

This action checkouts the code, installs python, poetry and stew, and proceeds to run "stew ci" on a python project.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: coveo/stew@main
          python-version: "3.10"
          project-name: your-project-name

See additional options and documentation in the action file.

GitHub Action Step Report

When running in a GitHub context, a step summary will automatically be generated. This summary can be seen in the Summary tab of a workflow run view in GitHub.

You can disable this feature by launching stew ci with --no-github-step-report.

Repository Structure

Please read these guides in order to learn how to organize your repository for maximum compatibility:


General command usage

Unless a project name is specified, most commands will operate on all projects in a git repository based on the current working folder:

  • stew <command>
    • Perform a command on all projects
  • stew <command> --help
    • Obtain help about a particular command
  • stew <command> <project-name>
    • Perform the command on all projects with <project-name> in their name (partial match)
  • stew <command> <project-name> --exact-match
    • Disable partial project name matching

The main commands are explained below.

stew ci

The main show; it runs all CI tools on one or multiple projects.

Errors will show in the console, and junit xml reports will be generated inside the .ci folder.

Without configuration, this command will run the following checks:

  • mypy (using opinionated, strict rules)
    • Note: mypy is not provided with coveo-stew. See builtin-runners for info.
  • poetry check
  • stew check-outdated


  • --fix will reformat the code if black fails. Additional fix routines may be added in the future.
  • --check <runner> will launch only that runner. This option can be repeated.
  • --skip <runner> will skip that runner. Takes precedence over --check. This option can be repeated.
  • --quick skips running poetry install --remove-untracked before running the checks.
    • v3.0.30: You can now customize which checks to run when --quick is specified. See the quick configuration option.
  • --no-github-step-report can be used to disable Step Report generation when running in a GitHub context.

The configuration for this feature is explained in more details in the runners section.

stew build

Store the project and its locked dependencies to disk, so it can be installed without contacting a pypi server.

Optimally used to create truly repeatable builds and workflows (e.g.: containerized images, cloud storage, etc).

The folder can later be installed offline with pip install --no-index --find-links <folder> <project-name>.


  • --directory specifies where the wheels should be downloaded.
  • --python may be used to target a different python. It's important to use the same python version, architecture and OS than the target system.

Make sure your target <folder> is clean: Keep in mind that pip will still use the pyproject.toml constraints when installing, not poetry.lock. The locked version system works when the locked version is the only thing that pip can find in the <folder>.

stew check-outdated and stew fix-outdated

Checks for out-of-date files or automatically update them.

Summary of actions:

  • poetry lock if pyproject.toml changed but not the poetry.lock
  • stew pull-dev-requirements if a pydev project's dev-requirements are out of sync

stew pull-dev-requirements

Only useful on pydev projects (see about multiple-libraries). It pulls the dev requirements from the local projects in order to aggregate them into the dev requirements of the root project.

Note: This command uses the dev group to identify test dependencies. This can be defined as tool.poetry.dev-dependencies (poetry 1.1.15) or tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies. The group name cannot be customized, feel free to contribute the feature if that's useful to you.

stew bump

Calls poetry lock on all projects.

stew refresh

Calls poetry install on all projects.

stew fresh-eggs

Clears the .egg-info folder from your projects. Usually followed by a poetry install or a stew refresh.

Use this if you change a [tool.poetry.scripts] section, else the changes will not be honored.

stew locate <project>

Returns the path to a project:

$ stew locate coveo-stew



Configuration is done through the pyproject.toml file; default values are shown:

build-without-hashes = false
pydev = false
build-dependencies = {}
extras = []
all-extras = false
quick = {}
  • build-without-hashes: Disables hashes when calling pip to download dependencies during stew build.
  • pydev: See the multiple-libraries guide.
  • build-dependencies: You can specify additional dependencies to be installed during stew build.
    • The format is the same as poetry dependencies: name = "version" or name = { version = "version", ... }
  • extras: A list of extras to install during stew build.
  • all-extras: If true, all extras will be installed during stew build. Overrides the extras list.
  • quick: (v3.0.30) Controls which checks are skipped when calling stew ci --quick.
    • The format is a dictionary with either the check or skip key, followed by a list of runners.
    • The behavior is identical to the --check and --skip options.
    • e.g.: skip these checks quick = { skip = ["poetry-check", "check-outdated", "poetry-build", "pytest"] }
    • e.g.: only run these checks quick = { check = ["mypy", "black"] }

stew ci

Configuration is done through each pyproject.toml file; default values are shown:

mypy = true
pytest = false
black = false
poetry-check = true
check-outdated = true
offline-build = false

You don't have to include the [tool.stew.ci] section at all if these defaults suit you!

Runners (stew ci)

Changed in coveo-stew 3.0: mypy and black are no longer provided out-of-the-box.

In order to use a builtin or custom runner, you must have it installed. These locations are supported:

  • Recommended: The runner is in the project's virtual environment (most likely as a dev dependency in pyproject.toml)
  • Alternative: The runner is installed in your system and available through the PATH

We strongly suggest pinning them to your pyproject.toml file in the [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] section.

This way, mypy won't surprise you with new failures when they release new versions! 😎

Note: You can override and customize most runners by rewriting them as custom runners.

Builtin Runners


A strict mypy configuration is provided.

You can provide your own mypy configuration, but you'll have to specify the set-config option:


# disable stew's strict mypy config (i.e.: let mypy find its config)
mypy = { set-config = False }

# use a specific config (path relative to `pyproject.toml`'s folder)
mypy = { set-config = "mypy.ini" }

See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config_file.html#using-a-pyproject-toml


Pytest is configured to run with --doctest-modules --tb=short --durations=5 as well as JUnit report generation.

Some additional options are available:


# configure the markers to test (i.e.: `-m`)
pytest = { marker-expression = 'not docker_tests' }

# disable the doctests
pytest = { doctest-modules = False }


Black supports the pyproject.toml file natively:

line-length = 100

Ref: black documentation


Runs poetry check on each project.


Runs stew check-outdated.

Note: This runner cannot be overridden, but it can be disabled.


Runs stew build to a temporary folder and ensures that pip is able to reinstall everything from there.

Note: This runner cannot be overridden, but it can be disabled.

Custom Runners

You can add your own runners to stew ci. You can also redefine a builtin runner completely.

In this example, we create runners for flake8, bandit and isort. We also redefine the pytest runner:

flake8 = true
bandit = { check-args = ["--quiet", "--recursive", "."] }

# some may prefer this toml syntax:
check-args = ["--check", ".", "--profile black"]
autofix-args = [".", "--profile black"]

check-args = ["--tb=long", "--junitxml=.ci/pytest-results.xml"]

# using `executable`, you can create multiple custom runners with the same executable:
executable = "ruff"
working-directory = "project"
check-args = ["check", "."]
autofix-args = [ "check", "--fix", "."]

executable = "ruff"
working-directory = "project"
check-args = ["format", "--check", "."]
autofix-args = ["format", "."]

When a builtin runner such as pytest is redefined as a custom runner, you must provide all the arguments. In this case, not passing --junitxml would mean that we lose the report that used to be in the .ci/ directory.


  • executable: You can specify the executable name if it's different from the tool's name.
    • Runners are called through python -m <executable> first to see if it's installed in the virtual environment, else through the shell.
    • Using executable, you can create multiple custom runners with the same executable (e.g.: ruff check vs ruff format)
  • check-args: The arguments to invoke the check.
  • autofix-args: The arguments to invoke the autofix. Provide the empty string "" in order to run without arguments.
  • check-failed-exit-codes: A list of ints denoting the exit codes to consider "failed" (anything else will be "error"). 0 is always a success. default is [1].
  • create-generic-report: Whether to create a generic pass/fail JUnit report for this check.
  • working-directory: The default is "project" which corresponds to the project's pyproject.toml file. You can change it to "repository" in order to run from the root.
  • name: You can specify the module name if it differs from the name of the tool.
    • Deprecated: name must be unique. This has been replaced by executable.

The args and check-args can be:

  • A string

    • Such as a single argument "--check"
    • Such as a path "."
    • Such as an option "--profile black"
    • But NOT as a combo of the above: "--check . --profile black" will most likely not work.
  • A list of string:

    • Any combination of the "string" rules explained above.

FAQ, Tips and Tricks

constraints vs locks - where do they apply?

When you call poetry install, you end up installing packages based on the poetry.lock file. The resulting packages will always be the same, no matter what. This is the dev scenario.

When you call pip install, you are installing packages based on the constraints placed in a pyproject.toml or a setup.py file. Unless the constraints are hard pinned versions, the resulting packages are not guaranteed and will depend on the point in time when the installation is performed, among other factors. This is the shared library scenario.

When you use poetry, you cover the two scenarios above.

The third scenario is the private business use case: you want to freeze your dependencies in time so that everything from the developer to the CI servers to the production system is identical. Essentially, you want poetry install without the dev requirements.

This functionality is provided out of the box by stew build, which creates a pip-installable package from the lock file that you can then stash in a private storage of your choice or pass around your deployments.

How to provision a business production system / how to freeze your project for "offline" distribution

You can keep poetry and stew off your production environment by creating a frozen archive of your application or library from your CI servers (docker used as example):

  • Use the stew build tool which:
    • performs a poetry build on your project
    • calls pip download based on the content of the lock file
    • Moves the artifacts to the .wheels folder of your repo
  • Recommended: Use the --python switch when calling stew build to specify which python executable to use! Make sure to use a python interpreter that matches the os/arch/bits of the system you want to provision.

The content in .wheels can then be zipped and moved around. A typical scenario is to push it into a Docker Container:

  • Include the .wheels folder into your Docker build context
  • In your Dockerfile:
    • ADD the .wheels folder
    • Manage the pip version! Either update it to latest, or pin it to something.
    • Prepare a python environment
      • Use python -m venv <location> to create a virtual environment natively.
      • Note the executable location... typically (location/bin/python or location/Scripts/python.exe)
    • Install your application into the python environment you just created:
      • Use <venv-python-executable> -m pip install <your-package> --no-index --find-links <wheels-folder-location>
    • You may delete the .wheels folder if you want. Consider keeping a copy of the lock file within the docker image, for reference.

To make sure you use the python interpreter that matches the os/arch/bits of the system you want to provision, you can run stew build directly when building the container image. In order to do so without packaging stew in production, you can use multi-stage builds.

How to hook your IDE with the virtual environment

If your IDE supports poetry, it should detect and use the pyproject.toml file.

To set it up manually:

  1. Call poetry install from the location of the pyproject.toml file
  2. Obtain the location of the virtual environment (i.e.: poetry env list --full-path)
  3. Configure your IDE to use the python interpreter from that location

Your IDE should proceed to analyze the environment and will pick up all imports automatically, regardless of your PYTHONPATH or your working directory. Since the local source is editable, any change to the source code will be reflected on the next interpreter run.

If you use the multiple-projects approach, you should hook your IDE to the pydev environment. See this documentation for more information.

Using the virtual environment without activating it

Using the correct interpreter is all you need to do. There is no activation script or environment variables to set up: the interpreter executable inside the virtual environment folder is a fully bootstrapped and isolated environment.

  • A python dockerfile may call <venv-python-exec> directly in the dockerfile's CMD
  • A service that spawns other processes should receive the path to the <venv-python-exec>

Use the -m switch in order to launch your app!