
Boilerplate for Sass-based projects using Zurb Foundation with Bourbon y más

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Foundation Sass template

This is a template to start your own Foundation project that uses:


You'll need to have the following items installed before continuing.

  • Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
  • Bower: Run [sudo] npm install -g bower
  • Gulp CLI: Run [sudo] npm install -g gulp
  • Ruby 1.9+: Follow the directions on the community website.


git clone https://github.com/covertg/foundation-template.git
cd foundation-template
npm install && bower install

While you're working on your project, run:


And you're set! Gulp will build, watch for changes, and serve your files on localhost. Check the console output for more info.

Directory Structure

  • src/: All your sources go here
  • build/: All built files go here
  • bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/_settings.scss: Foundation-specific settings go here
  • Gulpfile.js: Read through this for a sense of what's going on

Other Notes

  • To build once for production, run: gulp build --type dist and gulp will build and optimize/minify your files.
  • Replace the ">=" operators with "^" in package.json in the case of API updates or other package breakages.
  • Currently, we are using a PR repo for autoprefixer because it's more up-to-date.
  • NPM may seem to hang when installing ws (dependency of BrowserSync). Just give it some time.