
A quick-and-dirty bash script for batch downloading music from an M3U playlist.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This will batch download songs from an M3U stream. Tested on Linux and macOS 10.10, but it should work anywhere with with a bash-compatible shell. The only other requirement is a working curl installation!

Know before you go

  • This script is intended for personal use only. Use it ethically for content which is yours to download.
  • m3u-download currently only works on M3U streams that list songs themselves; it can't handle streams that list other lists. (For example, when testing with GMusicProxy, /get_all_playlists won't play nice because it only contains a list of other lists.)
  • Distributed under MIT license. Pull requests welcome!


$ ./download.sh <path/playlist.m3u> <path/outputdir>


Making folder <outputdir>.

1/TOTAL		Downloading <Artist> - <Title>
TOTAL/TOTAL	Downloading <Artist> - <Title>

All songs downloaded.

Note: if the download seems to fail or end prematurely, try appending --ignore-content-length to the end of m3u-download's cURL argument. See #2.

(Old) Example with GMusicProxy

With gmusicproxy running, find a playlist you wish to download:

$ curl localhost:9999/get_all_playlists
#EXTINF:-1,Playlist I Want

Download that playlist as an .m3u:

$ curl -o path/playlist-i-want.m3u http://localhost:9999/get_playlist?id=123ab456-1111-2222-3333-7c890d12efgh

Now call in m3u-download:

$ ./download.sh path/playlist-i-want.m3u path/outputdir