
Built .dmg for MacOS Redis Desktop Manager

Redis Desktop Manager - v.0.9.4

Operating System Testing
Sierra 10.12 Yes

Getting Started


  1. Homebrew
  2. XCode
  3. Qt Creator

Build from source for MacOS X

  1. Get the source code

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/uglide/RedisDesktopManager.git -b 0.9 rdm 
    cd ./rdm
  2. Install XCode with Xcode build tools

  3. Install Homebrew

  4. Create a copy of Info.plist from sample

    cd ./src && cp ./resources/Info.plist.sample ./resources/Info.plist
  5. Building RDM dependencies require i.a. openssl and cmake. Install them:

    brew install openssl cmake
  6. Build RDM dependencies

  7. Install whole Qt package Qt 3.0.5

  8. Open project ./src/rdm.pro in Qt Creator

  9. Change the CONFIG-=app_bundle to CONFIG+=app_bundle in line 76

  10. Run it for the first time to create rdm.app

  11. Copy the folder rdm/3rdparty/crashreporter to rdm/bin/osx/debug/

    cp -Rf $DIRPATH/rdm/3rdparty/crashreporter $DIRPATH/rdm/bin/osx/debug/
  12. Run the macdeployqt

     /Users/<username>/Qt/5.11.1/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt rdm.app -dmg -qmldir=/Users/<username>/$DIRPATH/rdm/src/qml
  13. Run build again to generate the rdm.dmg in the $PATH/rdm/bin/osx/debug/

  14. Transfer the rdm.dmg to MacOS Applications folder

Running the tests


Built With



Redis Desktop Manger 0.9.4


  • Philip Sales - adopted work


This project is licensed under the MIT - see the Types of Licenses
