
Not able to generate the dataset completely

SujeetNlp opened this issue · 3 comments

In readme file, for the data preparation step, files inside dataprep has to be run numerically or alphanumerically? When I tried to run numerically i.e, 00b-NCBITaxonomy.ipynb an error occured. Also, when I ran alphanumerically 5 files reported error as they were not able to find the required files in the cache folder.

@jaisyking The data preparation steps need to be updated. Some files need to be downloaded into the cache directory before running the notebooks.

To download the NCBI taxonomy files into the cache directory, please run this script

Hi, I have downloaded the NCBI taxonomy now. But I am not able to download CNCB strain data. I am attaching the screenshots of the error I am getting.

Screenshot from 2021-04-09 15-13-10

The CNCB ftp site is back. The downloads should work again.