
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vaccine slot crawler


  • Clone the repo

    git clone git@github.com:viksharma1987/vaccineslotcrawler.git
  • Install python dependencies, make sure you have python installed.

    cd vaccineslotcrawler
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Input json schema

  "cowin": {
    "calender_api_url": "https://cdn-api.co-vin.in/api/v2/appointment/sessions/calendarByDistrict?district_id={0}&date={1}",
    "calender_api_public_url": "https://cdn-api.co-vin.in/api/v2/appointment/sessions/public/calendarByDistrict?district_id={0}&date={1}"
  "telegram": {
    "bot_api_key": "<provide telegram bot token>",
    "telegram_chat_url": "https://api.telegram.org/bot{}/sendMessage?parse_mode=markdown&chat_id={}&text={}"
  "districts": {
    "jodhpur": {
      "district_ids": [
      "min_age": 18,
      "min_slots": 5,
      "refresh_rate": 5,
      "telegram_channel_id": "@<provide telegram channel id>"
  1. bot_api_key - Provide your telegram bot token.
  2. jodhpur - Replace it with the district you want to crawl for.
  3. district_ids - Provide all district ids for the target district. You can find all state codes here, pick your state code and use it here to get all district details in that state.
  4. min_age - Minimum eligible age to filter the slots, currently values can be either 18 or 45, as slots are devided for the two categories. Default is 18.
  5. min_slots - Minimum number of slots for which you want to send a notification. Default is 5.
  6. refresh_rate - At what interval do you want to poll cowin servers. Default is 5 (seconds), That means every 5 seconds code will check new slots avaibility.
  7. telegram_channel_id - Provide your telegram channel id to be notified.

How to create a Telegram bot and how to send text message to a telegram group/channel, Learn here

Run the code

  • Update input.json as per above schema.

  • Run below commands

    cd src
    python -u app.py -d <district_name>
    python -u app.py -d jodhpur
  • Run below command for help.

    python -u app.py --help
  • If you are running the code on a windows or linux machine and if slots are available, it will make a beep sound, to stop the sound comment this line.

Run as docker container

  cd vaccineslotcrawler
  export version="v1"
  # Docker build
  docker build -t cowin:$version .

  # Docker run      
  docker run -it cowin:$version
  # Docker tag and push over docker registry.
  docker tag cowin:$version <your_docker_registry>:$version
  docker push <your_docker_registry>:$version