
The Bridge between Google Sheets and the eConsult Platform (econsult-website and econsult-prescribe)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Bridge between Google Sheets and the eConsult Platform (econsult-website and econsult-prescribe)

API Implementation

Hosted in express, Fetched from local storage JSON(s) which are updated by Google Sheets API fetch and cron job using pushthejson for every 10 minutes


links https://econsult-api-lovat.now.sh/links
faq https://econsult-api-lovat.now.sh/faq
doctors https://econsult-api-lovat.now.sh/doctors
doctorsbyId https://econsult-api-lovat.now.sh/doctorsbyId?emailId=
tnc https://econsult-api-lovat.now.sh/tnc

Note: doctors and doctorsbyId JSON will not be updated for this project as personal contacts of Doctors are not recommended to be published. Using a Secure DB and/or an easily editable sheets based interface such as Airtable is recommended.