
Prescription Module for eConsult

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prescription pdf template generator module. This module has two directories:

  1. public/ This directory contains the client side form that takes input from user and makes an HTTP call to the cloud function that generates the PDF prescription.

  2. functions/ This director contains the cloud function code that receives the request from the client and sends a PDF in response.

Running Locally

# Clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/covid19india/econsult-prescribe.git

# Install the dependencies
npm --prefix ./functions install ./functions

# Start the cloud functions api
npm --prefix ./functions run serve

# Start the Client
npx http-server ./public

Note: You'll have to update the XHR request in /public/assets/js/scripts.js to use dev_url instead of prod_url. 

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in the browser