
Covid Watch Android Exposure Notification app

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quality Gate Status License

CovidWatch Android POC

Android POC for www.covid-watch.org

Who are we? What is this app?

This repository is focused on the implementation of the Android version of the Covid Watch app. Our goals are to:

  • Allow users to anonymously record interactions with others using the Google/Apple exposures notification api for Android (https://github.com/google/exposure-notifications-android)
  • Notify users if someone they've interacted with in the past 2 weeks indicates they've tested positive for COVID-19 (again, anonymously!)
  • Offer a seamless UX to complete all of the above!


Clone this repo from the develop branch:

git clone git@github.com:covidwatchorg/covidwatch-android-en.git

Open the project in Android Studio. Install onto a phone of yours with the app configuration, and you're free to explore the app! Its optimal to install on 2 phones as much of the behavior of the app depends on 2 phones interacting.

Note: You cannot run this app on an emulator! We are dependent on Bluetooth being on and active, and most standard Android emulators do not have Bluetooth drivers.

Looking to contribute?

  • Run on your own device to explore the UX. Look at the Figma for what the UX should look like. If you have any feedback/find any problems, create an issue!
  • Look at https://github.com/orgs/covidwatchorg/projects/1 for existing issues. If you see something you want to work on, assign yourself to it, set it to in progress, and make a PR to the develop branch.


What is the anonymous protocol for communication between phones? How does it work and who designed it?

Covid Watch uses Google/Android Exposure Notification, a decentralized, privacy-first contact tracing API implemented in Google and Apple phone operation systems. You can read more about it in the Google design document at https://www.google.com/covid19/exposurenotifications/

What's this repository vs the other repositories in the covidwatchorg Organization?

This is the repository for development of the front-facing Android mobile app for Covid Watch, including the UX, and backend services.


  • Madi Myrzabek (@madim)
  • Milen Marinov (@BurningAXE)
  • James Taylor (@jamesjmtaylor)
  • Pavlo (@Apisov)
  • Madhava (@madhavajay)
  • Nitin Kumar (@nkumarcc, nkumarcc@gmail.com)
  • Hayden Raddiford (@haydenridd)
  • Enrico Grillo (@redbasset)
  • Susan Crayne (@crayne)

Join the cause!

Interested in volunteering with Covid Watch? Check out our get involved page and send us an email at contact@covid-watch.org!