
Google Charts state card for Home Assistant

Primary LanguageHTML

WebSocket API Google Charts for Home Assistant > 0.102

*** KNOWN PROBLEMS: the code could be cleaner, the PieChart needs a bit more work...

No need to restart hass every time you change an option. To test your changes just refresh the page - clear your cache or use a new incongnito window if no change is observed


  • Can be used standalone of HASS;
  • Updates in real time;
  • Sortable by name or value;
  • Chart type can be changed on the fly (3 default options: column, bar, piechart - more can ba added;
  • Supports one more more entities (recomended to compare: power, temperature, humidity, mold etc.).
  • Could be also use as a weather forecast (disabling some of the options might be needed).
  • Highly customizable (styling, axes types, annotations etc.). Visit Google Charts for more information and options (ColumnChart, BarChart, PieChart).
  • The height of the chart can be set in the options section in googlechart.html


  • Download /www/google_chart/googlechart.html to <your-hass-configuration-dir>/www/google_chart/ (create the folder structure if you don't have it - mind the permissions). JQuery, loader.js (google charts loader) and lodash.js (simplifies working with arrays) are also needed.
  • Add it to your lovelace configuration e.g.:
      - type: iframe
        url: /local/custom_ui/charts/googlechart.html
        aspect_ratio: 90%

Main idea.

  1. Add your HASS URL and Long-Lived Access Token (get it from your profile).
       ws = new WebSocket('wss://your_ip_or_url/api/websocket');
       ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "auth","access_token": "Long-Lived-Access-Token"}));
  1. Add your entities as variables in the designated sections.
       var router, fridge, laptop, boiler, tv, pc, oven, washer, other, monitor;
       window.router = JSON.parse(event.data)["result"].filter(function (el) { return el.entity_id == "sensor.router_power"})[0].state;
       window.fridge = JSON.parse(event.data)["result"].filter(function (el) { return el.entity_id == "sensor.fridge_power"})[0].state;
       window.laptop = JSON.parse(event.data)["result"].filter(function (el) { return el.entity_id == "sensor.laptop_power"})[0].state;
       //Set value
       graph["data"].setValue(0, 1, router);
       graph["data"].setValue(1, 1, fridge);
       //Set annotation
       graph["data"].setValue(0, 2, router);
       graph["data"].setValue(1, 2, fridge);
       //Set name
       graph["data"].setValue(0, 0, 'Router');
       graph["data"].setValue(1, 0, 'Fridge');
  1. Lots of options to change (a lot more can be added):
     var options = {
       title: "Instant power in W",
       height: 300,                                     //chart heigh in pixels
       bar: {groupWidth: '69%'},                        //bar/column width - 69% is the golden ratio
       legend: { position: 'none'},                     //if enabled the chartArea option should be modified
       titleTextStyle: {fontSize: 13, bold: false},
       chartArea: {left:35,top:25,right: 5, width:'100%',height:'82%'},
       tooltip: {trigger: 'selection'},                // 'focus'/'selection'/'none'
       vAxis: {minorGridlines: {count: 2, color: '#F4F4F4'}, gridlines: {count: 6}},       //for the column chart 
       hAxis: {minorGridlines: {count: 2, color: '#F4F4F4'}, gridlines: {count: 6}},       //font the bar chart
       // just a commnent for the vAxis/hAxis - if gridlines: {count: x} is set to x=-1(auto) the axis maximum value will change and the chart bars will be most of the time static. I recomend setting it to 5 or more.
       dataOpacity: 0.9,
       fontSize: 11,                                   //font size throughout the chart
       pieHole: 0.4,                                   //from pie to donut - comment or set to 0 to change to pie 
       pieSliceText: 'label',                          //'percentage', 'value' ,'label' ,'none'
       pieSliceTextStyle: {fontSize:10},
       is3D: false,                                     // set to true for 3D pie chart
       backgroundColor: { fill: 'white' },
       //explorer: {}                                   // uncomment to enable pan and zoom in the chart - right click resets
  1. Set a chart refresh period in milliseconds.
       var chartrefreshtime = 5000;

How to add more then one chart

  • Duplicate googlechart.html;
  • Change options inside new file;
  • Add new iframe in lovelace;


- Some code cleaning. 
- Updated parseInt() to parseFloat().
- Added websocket version. Will go obsolete when the legacy password will be removed. Same approach for installation inside Home Assistant. The html will also work independetly - without Home Assistant. Just add your IP and legacy password.
- Removed old code and added websocket version with Long-Lived Access Tokens (works with HASS > 0.102)