
A P2P Search Engine with Explicit Trust

Primary LanguageRust

S4h: A P2P Search Engine with Explicit Trust

This repository holds the code and tests of a basic implementation of the search engine described in my Master's Thesis with the same title.

To run this project, you'll need to install Rust (using rustup), then in the repository run cargo test to run the included tests.

To read the code (as of version 0.2.0), I recommend reading it from the top down, starting from src/main.rs, then onto src/server.rs and src/state.rs. Then the next level of abstraction of state is in src/peer_info.rs. Finally, some auxiliary functions and structures are in src/client.rs, src/key.rs, src/hash.rs, and src/reputation.rs. As of the time of writing this, the code is unfortunately very poorly commented. Some insight on the design is available in the thesis.