
HTML constructors that are Just JavaScript ™

Primary LanguageTypeScript


HTML that is actually Just JavaScript™

Lot's of hay is made about things being "Just Javascript", however in most cases it is not true. This allows you to represent an HTML tag in a fluent as a simple data structure and then how you serialize that into a DOM, or into a string, is up to you.

For example, here is how you would represent the current HTML5 Boilerplate using JS

  { class: "no-js", lang: "en-US" },
    meta({ charset: "utf-8" }),
    title("HTML5 Boilerplate"),
    meta({ name: "description", content: "" }),
      name: "viewport",
      content: "width=deviced-width",
      "initial-scale": 1,
    meta({ name: "og:title", content: "" }),
    meta({ property: "og:type", content: "" }),
    meta({ property: "og:url", content: "" }),
    meta({ property: "og:image", content: "" }),
    link({ rel: "icon", href: "/favicon.io", sizes: "any" }),
    link({ rel: "icon", herf: "/icon.svg", type: "image/svg+xml" }),
    link({ rel: "apple-touch-icon", href: "icon.png" }),
    link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "css/normalize.css" }),
    link({ rel: "stylesheet", href: "css/style.css" }),
    link({ rel: "manifest", href: "site.webmanifest" }),
    meta({ name: "theme-color", content: "#fafafa" }),
    /* Add your site or application content here */
    p("Hello World! This is HTML5 Boilerplate"),
    script({ src: "js/vendor/modernizr-3.12.0.min.js" }),
    script({ src: "js/app.js" }),

To see this example in action:

$ deno task h5bp