Rails Engine - An E-Commerce API

Rails Engine

Rails Engine is an API developed for an E-Commerce Application. The fictitious company utilizes a service-oriented architecture, and therefore utilizes this API as a separate back-end service. This repo exposes the data that powers the company's site through a RESTful JSON API in addition to custom endpoints for Business Intelligence Analytics.
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About The Project

Rails Engine exposes business data based on the JSON API Specification via multiple API endpoints allowing other developers access to CRUD functionality for Merchants and Items, obtaining relationship information for Merchants and Items, and exposes more complex endpoints including: merchants with the most revenue, merchants with the most items sold, revenue across a date range, and revenue for a specific merchant.

Getting Started

To use Rails Engine locally, you can fork or clone this repo.



Below are the commands you will need to run in your terminal once you are inside the rails-engine directory.

  • Bundle Install
$ bundle exec install
  • Set up Database
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed


After running your migrations, your schema will look something like this!

Run rails s in your terminal and utilize http://localhost:3000/ as the base url in your API client of choice (Postman, etc.)


Index of Resource

This endpoint renders a JSON representation of all records of the requested resource.

GET /api/v1/<resource> where <resource> is merchants or items

Show Record

This endpoint renders a JSON representation of the corresponding record.

GET /api/v1/<resource>/:id where <resource> is merchants or items

Create Record

This endpoint creates a record and renders a JSON representation of the new record.

POST /api/v1/<resource> where <resource> is merchants or items

Update Record

This endpoint updates the corresponding record and renders a JSON representation of the updated record.

PATCH /api/v1/<resource>/:id where <resource> is merchants or items

Destroy Record

This endpoint destroys the corresponding record and any associated data.

DELETE /api/v1/<resource>/:id where <resource> is merchants or items

The response returns a 204 HTTP status code.

Merchant Items Relationship

GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/items - returns all items associated with a merchant.

Item Merchant Relationship

GET /api/v1/items/:id/merchants - returns the merchant associated with an item

Find One Resource By Attribute

This endpoint returns a single record that matches a set of criteria. Criteria will be input through query parameters.

GET /api/v1/<resource>/find?<attribute>=<value>

Find Many Resources By Attribute

This endpoint returns all records that match a set of criteria. Criteria will be input through query parameters.

GET /api/v1/<resource>/find_all?<attribute>=<value>

Merchants with Most Revenue

This endpoint returns a variable number of merchants ranked by total revenue.

GET /api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=x where x is the number of merchants to be returned.

Merchants with Most Items Sold

This endpoint returns a variable number of merchants ranked by total number of items sold:

GET /api/v1/merchants/most_items?quantity=x where x is the number of merchants to be returned.

Potential Revenue for Unshipped Orders

This endpoint should return the potential revenue across all merchants who have unshipped orders.

GET /api/v1/revenue/unshipped

Revenue for a Merchant

This endpoint should return the total revenue for a single merchant.

GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue