- NodeJS
Install UI packages
cd ./github_search_ui
npm install
Install API packages
cd ./github_search_api
npm install
** I did not containerize the application, but happy to do so!
Run the UI: In a new terminal:
cd ./github_search_ui
npm run start
Run the API: In a new terminal:
cd ./github_search_api
npm run start
The UI will be spun up @ http://localhost:3000 The API will be available @ http://locahost:4000
- ReactJS
- React-Router to handle movement between two pages (main and details page)
- Redux/React-Redux for both pages to access to repo data
- Material UI for styling components and easy-to-implement table sorting
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS for easy route configurations
- axios for HTTP calls to GitHub API
- flat-cache for caching API requests to the file system
I'm ashamed to admit no experience with Jest/mocha/chai or other React/Node testing libraries, only python's unittest. Some things I would like to write tests for:
- Make sure call to node API uses the correct parameters and the query string is formed properly
- Make sure potential responses from GitHub are handled properly I'm a big believer in not testing the functionality of depencancies, but the sorting I pulled from Material-UI's table example would be good to double check
- When the Material-UI table is sorted, the repos stored in the Redux store should be also updated
- This would be more intuitive when navigating Next/Previous on the Details page
- Fetching the next page of Github repositories
- Currently only 30 results are fetched, but in Github's response headers there is a link to the next page that could easily fetch more data
- More filtering/query parameters to use
- Github provides ability to search for terms in different files, by creation date, owner, etc
- On details page, could fetch more repository details from github. The details provided from the repos searched seemed sufficient to me.