
Deploy Keycloak to Dokku using a slightly adapted version of the official docker image

Primary LanguageShell

Deploy Keycloak to Dokku

This repository deploys the Keycloak Identity and Access Manangement Solution to Dokku. It is based on Keycloak's official docker image with some slight modifications to use the Heroku variable for PORT and DATABASE_URL properly.


The instructions and examples below are targeted at an audience looking to use Keycloak on a production(ish) installation of Dokku requiring HTTPS with a properly signed certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Dokku Installation Prerequisites

  • A host with at least 2GB of RAM. (Keycloak is a Java beast!)
  • Dokku 0.24.7 or greater installed.
  • Dokku hostname configured to match the associated domain name.
    • The fake "example.com" will be used in examples below.
  • Dokku configured to utilize virtual hosts (vhosts) for apps.
  • A sense of joy!

Install Dokku Plugins

All of the commands in this section need to be executed on the Dokku host machine!


dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-postgres.git

Let's Encrypt

dokku plugin:install https://github.com/dokku/dokku-letsencrypt.git

Create and Configure Keycloak App

You can name the Keycloak app and database anything you like, but for this example we'll stick with "keycloak" to keep things simple.

All of the commands in this section need to be executed on the Dokku host machine!

Create App

dokku apps:create keycloak

Create PostgreSQL Database

dokku postgres:create keycloakdb

Link Database to App

dokku postgres:link keycloakdb keycloak

Set Keycloak Admin Credentials

Provide a strong password for the Keycloak admin account.

dokku config:set --no-restart keycloak KEYCLOAK_USER=admin KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=strongpassword

Enable Keycloak Proxy Forwarding

Enable proxy forwarding in order for Keycloak to work correctly behind the Nginx reverse proxy.

dokku config:set --no-restart keycloak PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true

Configure Keycloak Hostname

The hostname must match the name of the Dokku vhost app and domain name!

dokku config:set --no-restart keycloak KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME=keycloak.example.com

Configure Keycloak Port and Proxy Map

dokku config:set --no-restart keycloak KEYCLOAK_HTTP_PORT=80 dokku proxy:ports-add keycloak http:80:80

Deploy Keycloak and Verify

Before fully enabling HTTPS with a signed certificate from Let's Encrypt, the Dokku app must be deployed and tested.

All of the commands in this section need to be executed on your local machine!

Clone "keycloak-dokku" Repo

git clone https://github.com/davidpodhola/keycloak-dokku.git && cd keycloak-dokku

Add Git Remote to Dokku App

You can name the remote anything like, but we'll be using "dokku" to keep things simple.

git remote add dokku dokku@example.com:keycloak

Deploy "keycloak-dokku"

Deployment can take a while the first time.

git push dokku master

Verify Deployment

Keycloak is a JBoss Java app which means it has a long startup time. You may need to wait as long as 5 minutes for the service to be ready. Execute the following command on the on the Dokku host machine to check progress.

dokku logs -t keycloak

Once the Keycloak deployment has completed, verify that the service is accessible by navigating to http://keycloak.example.com/auth/admin in your browser. DO NOT LOGIN! THIS IS AN UNSAFE HTTP CONNECTION! Just verify that the login screen is accessible.

Create SSL Certificate and Enable HTTPS

All of the commands in this section need to be executed on the Dokku host machine!

dokku config:set --no-restart keycloak DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=user@example.com dokku letsencrypt:enable keycloak

Login to Keycloak!

Navigate to https://keycloak.example.com/auth/admin and login with your admin credentials!