Text Splitter

A Python mini project.

Paste in a text document and the app will split it into multiple parts. It was built with YouTube transcripts in mind, hence the additional option to remove timestamps.


TODO: [add link, gif]

Local Installation

These instructions assume you have Python and pip installed already. If you don't (and I find that very hard to believe), go here and grab it. Python 3.4+ comes with pip installed already.

Clone the repo:

Pick your poison.
HTTPS https://github.com/cowtipping/python-mini-text-splitter-flask.git
SSH git@github.com:cowtipping/python-mini-text-splitter-flask.git

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the from root directory:

python app.py

It will spin up a server pointing to port 5001. You can change the port number in app.py

View app by visiting in your web browser. If you've changed the port number then replace 5001 with your port number.


Run tests from root directory:

pytest or python -m pytest
pytest -v or python -m pytest -v will give you a slightly more verbose output.


  • I was pasting YouTube transcripts into chatbots to summarise them, and some were too long.
  • I made this tool to split up transcripts into smaller chunks to cut and paste in over a series of messages, ordering the chatbot to summarise it after I had pasted all the messages.
  • As there are already YouTube summarisers which do this job much better, I didn't put much more effort in than that and used it as a catalyst for trying Flask for the first time.