
Web app for flexible data transforms

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Web app for flexible data transforms.

Build, run

To build locally, use Maven, then run as Spring Boot app:

./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

and the default app will be available on localhost port 8080.

Alternatively you can build a container (Docker) image using one of 2 possible Maven targets (see docker-build.sh or jib-build.sh.

Or you can run a pre-built image from Dockerhub with:

docker run -p 8080:8080 cowtowncoder/jackformer-webapp:latest
docker run -p 8080:8080 cowtowncoder/jackformer-webapp:0.5.4

Formats supported

Support is offered for most data formats Jackson supports, except that currently (0.5) the schema-based formats (Avro, CSV, Protobuf) are not supported. Support for these formats will likely be added in near future.



Note: textual formats can be cut'n pasted as input, and resulted displayed on-page. Binary formats require file upload/download. UI will enforce these limitations.

Notes on Format support


As of 0.5.0, CSV input requires use of single "header" line, followed by one or more data lines. Separator has to be comma. This would be valid input:


Data will be considered to be an Array of Objects, for purposes of transformation: names of Object properties coming from the header line, so the example above would be similar to YAML contents of:

name: Bob
- name: "Bob"
  age: 29
- name: "Bill"
  age: 33

As of version 0.5.0, CSV output is not yet supported but should be added in near future.

Ion (textual)

Pretty-printing is not yet supported for Ion (textual) output, although format would support it: this limitation will hopefully be lifted in future.