
Extract date time from UUID V7

yashh opened this issue ยท 7 comments

yashh commented

Is there a way to extract date time from the UUID v7 generator?

@yashh It is generally discouraged to do so, e.g.

That being said, since the time stamp is defined as 48 bits (cf., you can extract it with:

long timestamp = uuid.getMostSignificantBits() >>> (Long.SIZE - 48);
yashh commented

Thank you @pw-lehre . My only motive was to make sure the library is taking the current timestamp and which timezone. Thank you for pointer.

@yashh FWTW, timezone is not relevant; timestamps do not use or have it (generally it's offset from UTC but no timezone info is included).

yashh commented

@cowtowncoder Yup. I was using library to verify that timestamp and all checks out. But there is something wrong with that library. The timestamp its generating is around year 1983. I tried and everything checks out.

Some implementations are based on old drafts. That's why is different.

In 2021, UUIDv7 reserved 36 bits for seconds (not milliseconds). To extract the timestamp from this particular implementation, you must extract the initial 36 bits.

	UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("061cb26a-54b8-7a52-8000-2124e7041024");
	long seconds = uuid.getMostSignificantBits() >>> (Long.SIZE - 36);
	Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(seconds);
	System.out.println(instant); // prints 2021-12-28T15:00:53Z
yashh commented

Makes sense. Thank you @fabiolimace

Good point: timestamps used are indeed different: original UUID versions (v1 - v4) used higher-granularity ones with 100 ns resolution -- these take lots of space (bits). So v7 trades in smaller size for lower granularity.