Java Uuid Generator (JUG) is a Java library for generating all standard UUID versions (v1 - v7)
- 6
License inconsistancy
#117 opened by HSH73 - 1
- 7
- 1
Release 5.1.0 wanted
#108 opened by magdel - 1
Update About section of the repo
#107 opened by magdel - 1
- 5
Add `UUIDUtil.extractTimestamp()` for extracting 64-bit timestamp for all timestamp-based versions
#81 opened by gabrielbalan - 4
- 7
Extract date time from UUID V7
#91 opened by yashh - 5
What is a valid UUID
#90 opened by delanym - 6
Suggestion to add a static method to generate a random based UUID using ThreadLocalRandom (requires JDK 7)
#39 opened by tehnic-take3 - 1
Add code coverage reporting
#86 opened by cowtowncoder - 5
Guidance on how to handle IllegalStateException from TimeBasedEpochGenerator
#82 opened by gabrielbalan - 5
- 3
Confusing comment wrt synchronization
#79 opened by gabrielbalan - 0
Add `Generators.defaultTimeBasedGenerator()` to use "default" interface address for time/based UUIDs
#73 opened by cowtowncoder - 11
- 5
Type 1 UUID getTimestamp() synchronization leads to performance bottleneck
#71 opened by kushagraThapar - 2
- 5
Release with UUID v7 support?
#62 opened by visortelle - 0
- 0
Enable "Reproducible Build"
#65 opened by cowtowncoder - 0
Add constants for "Nil UUID", "Max UUID" (from draft "new UUID" spec) in `UUIDUtil`
#57 opened by cowtowncoder - 2
Microsecond / nanosecond part of time based uuid set even if UUIDClock is millisecond precision
#61 opened by djarnis73 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
Incomplete Documentation
#40 opened by dcerbino - 10
- 3
- 1
Minor typo in EthernetAddress comment
#38 opened by efenderbosch - 3
Build generating unsatisfiable
#34 opened by nsoft - 15
Use SLF4J instead of Log4J directly
#32 opened - 7
Possibility to generate a timebase UUID for a different time then System.currentTimeMillis
#24 opened by mihxil - 3
UUIDTimer uses System.currentTimeMillis()
#20 opened by mjburghoffer - 7
- 1
- 1
performace issue
#21 opened by tadonis - 1
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Time based generator with Randomized Node
#25 opened by johnlcox - 1
LICENSE file refers to the Java Classmate library instead of Java UUID Generator (JUG)
#19 opened by rogeraird - 3
- 6
Generators class not found
#17 opened by nagamanikandank - 3
- 4
Absolute value time based generator
#16 opened by bluemarker1 - 2
- 3
Missing documentation
#14 opened by JensRantil - 5
TimeBasedGenerator does not produce increasing UUIDs
#13 opened by hoaz - 3
race condition in RandomBasedGenerator?
#8 opened by facboy