Archived 1.30.2022

This App does not work anymore as the databae that held the message has been shut down. If there is a need to reuse this app, a new database can be created.

This app will not be used anymore.


COSC480 - Group 5 Messaging App

Encyrptagram is our goal for a messaging program. It offers three different encryptions, creates a cutom key, and sends messages to other platforms.


  • Android Studio
  • Java

Team Members

  • Sandra Sabatini-Muniz
  • Andreaka Jump
  • Miriam Shahine
  • Alex Wells
  • Chiara Oxender


  1. Download the files
  2. Add the folder COSC480-group5\TextingApp to AndroidStudioProjects folder (Not the .idea or gen folder)
  3. Open Android studio
  4. File>import .gradle> Choose the folder
  5. it will automatically build the gradle and setup the project
  6. Build and Run