
Listens for and fetches new email messages from an IMAP server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Small library that listens for incoming messages on the imap server and returns the parsed message


npm install imap-notify


  notify = require('imap-notify'),

options = {
  user: 'username@domain.com',
  password: 'myPassword',
  host: 'imap.host.name',
  port: 993,
  tls: true,
  box: 'Inbox'

notifier = notify(options);

notifier.on('error', function(err) {

notifier.on('mail', function(msg) {

notifier.on('success', function() {
  console.log('connection made');

notifier.on('close', function() {
  console.log('connection closed');

Connection Options

  • user - string - Username for plain-text authentication.
  • password - string - Password for plain-text authentication.
  • xoauth2 - string - Base64-encoded OAuth2 token for The SASL XOAUTH2 Mechanism for servers that support it (See Andris Reinman's xoauth2 module to help generate this string).
  • host - string - Hostname or IP address of the IMAP server. Default: 'localhost
  • port - integer - Port number of the IMAP server. Default: 143
  • tls - boolean - Perform implicit TLS connection? Default: false
  • box - string - The box to listen on for new messages. Default:'Inbox'


  • mail(<Object> message) - Emitted when a new message is received with the new Parsed email message
  • error(<String> error) - Emitted when an error occurs between the library and the imap server
  • close() - Emitted on connection closure
  • success() - Emittied when connection succeeds

Mail Object

  • headers - unprocessed headers in the form of - {key: value} - if there were multiple fields with the same key then the value is an array
  • from - an array of parsed From addresses - [{address:'sender@example.com',name:'Sender Name'}] (should be only one though)
  • to - an array of parsed To addresses
  • cc - an array of parsed CC addresses
  • bcc - an array of parsed Bcc addresses
  • subject - the subject line
  • references - an array of reference message id values (not set if no reference values present)
  • inReplyTo - an array of In-Reply-To message id values (not set if no in-reply-to values present)
  • priority - priority of the e-mail, always one of the following: normal (default), high, low
  • text - text body
  • html - html body
  • date - date field as a Date() object. If date could not be resolved or is not found this field is not set. Check the original date string from headers.date
  • attributes - Object containing meta information about message
    • uid - integer - A 32-bit ID that uniquely identifies this message within its mailbox.
    • flags - array - A list of flags currently set on this message.
    • date - Date - The internal server date for the message.
    • struct - array - The message's body structure (only set if requested with fetch()). See below for an explanation of the format of this property.
    • size - integer - The RFC822 message size (only set if requested with fetch()).