
gtm (go tail mongo) is a mongodb event listener

Primary LanguageGo


gtm (go tail mongo) is a utility written in Go which tails the MongoDB oplog and sends create, update, delete events to your code. It can be used to send emails to new users, index documents in Solr, or something else.


  • Go
  • mgo, the mongodb driver for Go
  • mongodb
    • Pass argument --master to mongod to ensure an oplog is created OR
    • Setup replica sets to create oplog


go get github.com/rwynn/gtm


package main

import "gopkg.in/mgo.v2"
import "gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson"
import "github.com/rwynn/gtm"
import "fmt"

func NewUsers(op *gtm.Op) bool {
	return op.Namespace == "users.users" && op.IsInsert()

func main() {
	// get a mgo session	
	session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")
	if err != nil {
	defer session.Close()
	session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)
	// nil options get initialized to gtm.DefaultOptions()
	ops, errs := gtm.Tail(session, nil)
	// Tail returns 2 channels - one for events and one for errors
	for {
		// loop forever receiving events	
		select {
		case err= <-errs:
			// handle errors
		case op:= <-ops:
			// op will be an insert, delete or update to mongo
			// you can check which by calling op.IsInsert(), op.IsDelete(), or op.IsUpdate()
			// op.Data will get you the full document for inserts and updates
			msg := fmt.Sprintf(`Got op <%v> for object <%v> 
			in database <%v>
			and collection <%v>
			and data <%v>
			and timestamp <%v>`,
				op.Operation, op.Id, op.GetDatabase(),
				op.GetCollection(), op.Data, op.Timestamp)
			fmt.Println(msg) // or do something more interesting
	// if you want to listen only for certain events on certain collections
	// pass a filter function in options
	ops, errs := gtm.Tail(session, &gtm.Options{
		After:               nil,     	// if nil defaults to LastOpTimestamp
		Filter:              NewUsers, 	// only receive inserts in the user collection
		OpLogDatabaseName:   nil,     	// if nil defaults to "local"
		OpLogCollectionName: nil,     	// if nil a defaults to a collection prefixed "oplog."
		CursorTimeout:       nil,     	// if nil defaults to 100s
		ChannelSize:         0,       	// if less than 1 defaults to 20


You may want to distribute event handling between a set of worker processes on different machines. To do this you can leverage the github.com/rwynn/gtm/consistent package.

Create a json document containing a list of all the event handlers.

	workers: ["Tom", "Dick", "Harry"] 

Create a consistent filter to distribute the work between Tom, Dick, and Harry.

name := flag.String("name", "", "the name of this worker")
filter, filterErr := consistent.ConsistentHashFilterFromFile(*name, "/path/to/json")
if filterErr != nil {

// there is also a method **consistent.ConsistentHashFilterFromDocument** which allows
// you to pass a Mongo document representing the config if you would like to avoid
// copying the same config file to multiple servers

Pass the filter into the options when calling gtm.Tail

ops, errs := gtm.Tail(session, &gtm.Options{nil, filter})

(Optional) If you have your own filter you can use the gtm utility method ChainOpFilters

func ChainOpFilters(filters ...OpFilter) OpFilter