
records device position and identifies frequent locations

Primary LanguageJava

Hot Spots

Hot Spots is an Android application which continually records the device's position and identifies probable "favorite" locations.

Developed as a course project for ID2012 Ubiquitous Computing at KTH. Some project documentation is in the wiki.


Add https://github.com/alexbirkett/cwac-locpoll as an Android library project in your IDE.

An empty version of seed.sqlite (which the application uses as a starting point when it has no existing database) is in db/. To create a version in assets/ with GeoNames data included:

  • Install SpatiaLite (tested with the Debian spatialite-bin package, versions 3.0.0~beta20110817-3+deb7u1 (wheezy) and 4.1.1-4)
  • cd db; ./init.sh