
Terraform scripts to manage cloud providers: GH, AWS, DO, etc

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform Cloud Management

This repo houses my ever-growing collection of Terraform modules to manage GitHub, AWS, Digital Ocean, and so on.

By using IaC everywhere, you are never configuring cloud providers: you are developing a modular and reusable resource for GitOps, MLOps, DevOps...and you're saving your hair by avoiding ClickOps! Clicking through GUIs, yeck.

Each folder contains a readme to describe how to apply the scripts.

Environmental Variables

Terraform will grab variables defined in .tfvars or .bash_profile. I couldn't get it to read from a .env file. Eventually I'm sure I'll want it to read SSH keys automatically.

For other environmental variables like AWS access keys, storing them in .bash_profile worked with the Terraform plugin while the .tfvars did not. I'd rather have a single source of truth or a single consistent method of storing environmental variables in the local repo, but here we are.


Sharing the state files is important as Terraform uses it to map metadata to resource IDs.

However, Terraform may store secrets in it. For now I won't track it in version control.


For later development, I believe it may be possible to generate secrets on the fly with Terraform. Once this is in place, it may be possible to store state in version control.

Useful commands

init, plan, apply, validate, format, refresh, show, destroy