
TS Utils to manipulate MongoDB's query language

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Typescript utilities to manipulate the MongoDB query language.

Get it with npm add @coyotte508/mongo-query.


function simplifyFilter<T>(filter: Filter<T>): Filter<T>;

The result of parseFilter can be verbose, with many logical groupings. simplifyFilter aims to simplify the filter so it becomes less verbose.

For example, simplifyFilter({$and: [{}, {x: 1}, {y: 2}]} becomes:

{x: 1, y: 2}


function inverseFilter<T>(filter: Filter<T>): Filter<T>;

This inverts a filter. For example, inverseFilter({a: {$in: [1, 2]}}) will become {a: {$nin: [1, 2]}}.

It tries to stay simple but not every inversion is implemented. In which case, $not is used.


 * @param filter Human-readable boolean filter, eg !(A&&(!B)&&(C||D))
 * @param replace A map or replacement function to replace keys by mongodb filters
 * @returns A mongodb filter
function parseFilter(filter: string): SearchGroupJson<string>;
function parseFilter<T>(filter: string, replace: Map<string, Filter<T>> | ((key: string) => Filter<T>)): Filter<T>;

This converts a human-readable boolean filter into a MongoDB filter.

filter can make use of the following operators: ! (NOT), || (OR) and && (AND), and parenthesis.

replace is a map or function used to replace A, B, ... by real mongodb expressions.

For example, it can be:

function replace(expr: `${key}:${val}`) {
  const [key, val] = expr.split(":");

  return { key: { $in: val.split(",") } };


replace = new Map([
  ["A", {user: 'somebody'}],
  ["B", {createdAt: {$lt: 'somedate'}}],
  ["C", someOtherCondition],

The return value is a mongodb filter, with a combination of $and, $or and $nor.

For example, parseFilter("!(A&&(!B)&&(C||D))") will return:


The output is verbose, so use it in conjunction with simplifyFilter.


An internal representation of the boolean combination of filters. It is used by parseFilter, which is just a wrapper around new SearchGroup(string).toJSON().

Similar to an AST, it can be manipulated and transformed, or analyzed.