
s2db is a sorted set database who speaks redis protocol and stores data on disk.

Primary LanguageGo


s2db is a sorted set database who speaks redis protocol and stores data on disk.

Startup Sequence

  1. Start slave server by s2db -l <SlaveIp>:<SlavePort> -C0 servername=<SlaveName>, listening at SlaveIp:SlavePort.
  2. Start master server by s2db -l <Ip>:<Port> -C0 slave=<SlaveIp>:<SlavePort>/?Name=<SlaveName>, listening at Ip:Port.

Configuration Fields

  • ServerName (string): server's name
  • Password (string): server's password
  • Slave (string): slave's conn string, minimal form: <SlaveIp>:<SlavePort>/?Name=<SlaveName>:
  • PullMaster (string): master's conn string, minimal form: <MasterIp>:<MasterPort>/?Name=<MasterName>:
  • MarkMaster (int, 0|1): mark server as master, rejecting all PUSHLOGS requests
  • Passthrough (string): relay all read-write commands to the destinated endpoint, minimal form: <Ip>:<Port>/?Name=<Name>:
  • PingTimeout (int, milliseconds): ping timeout of slave, used by master
  • CacheSize (int): cache size (number of cached objects)
  • CacheObjMaxSize (int, kilobytes): max allowed size of a cached object, -1 means no object can be cached
  • SlowLimit (int, milliseconds): threshold of recording slow commands into ./log/slow.log
  • ResponseLogSize (int, bytes): max size of logs master can push to slave in PUSHLOGS
  • BatchMaxRun (int): batch operations size
  • BatchFirstRunSleep (int, milliseconds): time window of grouping continuous deferred commands
  • CompactLogsTTL (int, seconds): TTL of logs
  • MetricsEndpoint (string): address of metrics collector, null means recording to internal metrics only


Refer to COMMANDS.txt.

Web Console

Web console can be accessed at the same address as flag -l identified, e.g.: and

Built-in Scripts

s2db use a Lua dialect called nj as its script engine, to learn more, refer to this repo.

Redirected 3rd-party Lib

  1. https://github.com/secmask/go-redisproto