
A Python SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

The Azure IoT Device SDK for Python enables Python developers to easily create IoT device solutions that seamlessly connect to the Azure IoT Hub ecosystem.

NOTE: 3.x.x is still in beta and APIs are subject to change until the release of 3.0.0

Installing the library

The Azure IoT Device library is available on PyPI:

pip install azure-iot-device==3.0.0b2

Python 3.7 or higher is required in order to use the library

Using the library

You can view the samples repository to see examples of SDK usage.

Full API documentation for this package is available via Microsoft Docs. Note that this documentation may currently be out of date as v3.x.x is still in preview at the time of this writing.


✔️ feature available ✖️ feature planned but not yet supported ➖ no support planned*

*Features that are not planned may be prioritized in a future release, but are not currently planned

This library primarily uses the MQTT protocol.


Features Status Description
Authentication ✔️ Connect your device to IoT Hub securely with supported authentication, including symmetric key, X-509 Self Signed, Certificate Authority (CA) Signed, and SASToken
Send device-to-cloud message ✔️ Send device-to-cloud messages (max 256KB) to IoT Hub with the option to add custom properties.
Receive cloud-to-device messages ✔️ Receive cloud-to-device messages and read associated custom and system properties from IoT Hub.
Device Twins ✔️ IoT Hub persists a device twin for each device that you connect to IoT Hub. The device can perform operations like get twin tags, subscribe to desired properties.
Direct Methods ✔️ IoT Hub gives you the ability to invoke direct methods on devices from the cloud. The SDK supports handler for method specific and generic operation.
Connection Status and Error reporting ✔️ Error reporting for IoT Hub supported error code.
Connection Retry ✔️ Dropped connections will be retried with a fixed 10 second interval by default. This functionality can be disabled if desired, and the interval can be configured
Upload file to Blob ✖️ A device can initiate a file upload and notifies IoT Hub when the upload is complete.
Direct Invocation of Method on Modules ✖️ Invoke method calls to another module using using the Edge Gateway.


Features Status Description
TPM Individual Enrollment ✖️ Provisioning via Trusted Platform Module.
X.509 Individual Enrollment ✔️ Provisioning via X.509 root certificate. Please review the samples folder and this quickstart on how to create a device client.
X.509 Enrollment Group ✔️ Provisioning via X.509 leaf certificate). Please review the samples folder on how to create a device client.
Symmetric Key Enrollment ✔️ Provisioning via Symmetric key attestation). Please review the samples folder on how to create a device client.


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