
Primary LanguageObjective-C


AnimatedPath explores using the CAMediaTiming protocol to interactively control the drawing of a path.

Basic usage

Step 1: Draw a Path

  • Tap around the screen to add points to a path.
  • Drag existing points to move them.
  • Tap and hold existing points to remove them.

Step 2: Animate

  • The path is rendered using a CAShapeLayer with speed == 0.
  • The layer has an animation for its strokeEnd key path with a fromValue of 0 and a toValue of 1.
  • Since the layer's speed == 0, adjusting the layer's timeOffset controls the time at which the animation is rendered.
  • The slider at the top of the screen adjusts the layer's timeOffset.

Getting the Setup Right

The most difficult part of putting this example together was understanding how to add the animation to the layer and still be able to control the animation's progress via the timeOffset. Here's what worked:

CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(strokeEnd))];
animation.fromValue = @0.0;
animation.toValue = @1.0;
animation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
animation.duration = kDuration;
[self.pathBuilderView.pathShapeView.shapeLayer addAnimation:animation forKey:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(strokeEnd))];

self.pathBuilderView.pathShapeView.shapeLayer.speed = 0;
self.pathBuilderView.pathShapeView.shapeLayer.timeOffset = 0.0;

[CATransaction flush];

self.pathBuilderView.pathShapeView.shapeLayer.timeOffset = kInitialTimeOffset;

The end result of this approach is that the animation has a beginTime of 0 and the shape layer renders it at time kInitialTimeOffset.

The [CATransaction flush] is required because it forces the system to give the animation added to the layer a beginTime. The animation's beginTime is calculated by adding its initial value (its value before being added to the layer) to the layer's current time. This is why the layer's timeOffset must be set to 0 rather than kInitialTimeOffset when the animation is added. Otherwise, the animation's beginTime will have already taken kInitialTimeOffset into account such that the animation is added to the time range (kInitialTimeOffset, kInitialTimeOffset + kDuration) instead of (0, kDuration).

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