Thank you for downloading my game! In this game you will become a university student. While going through different courses you will be able to use key items to establish a knowledge base on those sujects. Once you are able to go to every class you will then be able to take a final exam. The final exam is challenging so most students go to class first. I highly suggest so! Once you have gone to all your classes and taken the final exam, you will then be able to go to an award ceremony to receive your dimploma! This will be an exciting day. Once you have your diploma you win the game! Commands: go[compass direction] - lets you go into other rooms help - if you need help quit - quit the game (Don't be a quitter!) take [item] - picks up an available item show inventory - shows you what you are carrying drop [item] - drop an item you are carrying receive Diploma - receive your diploma! MAP Gym [Grad Ceremony] Final Exam Biology Hall Art Class Math Class Have fun!