A lambda function to copy objects from n to m S3 Buckets where n, m >= 1
- Download the deployment file from https://github.com/maknahar/s3copy/releases
- Upload the deployment file to lambda
- Set the configuration
- Checkout the latest release code
go get github.com/maknahar/copys3
- Build and generate the deployment file
GOOS=linux go build -o main main.go && zip deployment.zip main
- Upload the deployment file to lambda
- Set the configuration
Handler function name: main
This Lambda Function expect the list of source and destination buckets in a JSON file.
Config File is a map of input s3 bucket and detail to copy changes to destination.
The function can take events from an SQS as well if source bucket put all event to an SQS.
The function can take events from an SQS where SQS is subscribed to an SNS and source bucket publish a message to an SNS on every change.
To Support SQS processing add SQS URL sqs
SQS region sqsRegion
in the config file. Otherwise,
Leave them empty ""
or remove the keys.
"source-bucket": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"sqs": "URL of SQS where all S3 change events are stored",
"sqsRegion": "us-east-1",
"destinations": [
"another-source-bucket": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"sqs": "SQS URL",
"sqsRegion": "us-east-1",
"destinations": [
With above configuration, any object put in source-bucket
will be copied to destination-bucket-1
& destination-bucket-2
and any object put in another-source-bucket
will be
copied to destination-bucket-1
& destination-bucket-3
This Lambda function can be configured in two ways.
- Either give a public url of config file via CONFIG_FILE
- or provide base64 encoded value of configuration via CONFIG. You can online tools like www.base64encode.org to encode config content.
If both are provided CONFIG_FILE value will take precedence.
CONFIG_FILE : URL of configuration file
CONFIG : Base64 Encoded string of content of CONFIG_FILE
Make sure Lambda function have required access to source and destination bucket.
All contributions are welcome. Either via PR or Issue.